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Third person but focused on Liyana:

Liyana hadn't seen Leo in 9 days. Not that she was counting. And definately not that she was subconsciously glancing at the door each time the bell rang, hoping to see him entering.

On the 6th day, the day after his usual weekly visit, she decided to text him.

She typed out a few variations of 'hey, how've you been?' And deleted them all. She then typed a 'haven't sea-n you in a while' with a picture of a shark holding a magnifying glass, which she also deleted, worried he wouldnt get it or perhaps block her for the use of such a badly, cheesy pun.

She settled on a meme of the Scooby doo characters searching around, with the caption "me rn bc u disappeared or smt"

3 days later and she had received no reply.

He also didn't have his read receipts on, so there was no way of knowing whether he was ignoring her, leaving her on read, or perhaps his phone had fell in a hole and was never to be seen again.

Although, he didn't seem like the clumsy type to tragically drop or break his phone which onky made her overthink even more.

On the 10th day Liyana decided to pay a visit to his house, wracking her brain to retrace er steps the same as the first time she stumbled upon his house. Although that day it had been much stormier, obstructing her vision, and she was much too worried about freeing to death or being eaten alive to memorise directions to his house.

Luckily just as before his house was in the middle of nowhere, with not many others around so she had a very high likeliness of being at the correct house.

This time she wasn't shivering like a leaf, so she had time to take in the details at his front door. He had flowerpots lining his house on ecah side of the front steps, however they contained some sort of vegetable growing. She tried to imagine leo gardening, and the image was much too endearing. he didnt have a welcome mat or any sort of decoration, except for one sign hanging up.

This was perhaps the most uncharacteristic thing, surprising Liyana completely, but she enjoyed the thought of not knowing him very well and being able to get to know all his differnet facets of his persoanlity.

The sign read 'beware ogre' painted purposefully scruffy with shreks face painted on it, replicating the one in the movie.

Liyana smiled as she read it, before reaching out to ring the door bell. 

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