Chapter Fifteen

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We finally arrived in Spain! We flew all the way from Chicago to Madrid. We are staying in the capital tonight, before heading for the south of Spain from tomorrow. For now, we have a visit of a museum planned, and we'll have one hour when we can do whatever we want before going back to the hotel.

Mr. Gritzy, organizer of the trip with Mrs. Garnier-who also came with us- is explaining the situation.

"So, like I said in the airport sooner this morning, you will now go put your bags in your respective rooms. You have 15 minutes to get prepared before we meet here. Then, we'll go visit the museum and you'll have one hour to enjoy."

He gives the bedroom keys out, reveling who we will share our room with tonight.

"First, the girls. Your rooms are on the first floor. Amanda and Florie in the room 21, Lara..."

Please, not me. Please, not me.

"...and Sonia in room 22"

I smile of relief. Sharing my room with her would be an absolute nightmare.

The two first groups of girls leave, key in their hand. Lara brought three suitcases-No, I am not even kidding. I don't even know how she did because normally, we're allowed to have only one suitcase-.

"Addison and Kylie, room 23"

I smile at Kylie, we're in the same class since the first year of high school but never really talked. It will be an opportunity for us to learn to know each other.

I give Charlie a kiss before letting go of his hand and going to my room with Kylie.

Once she's in the bedroom, the first thing she does is fall heavily on one of the two beds put against the wall.

"I'm so exhausted", she says, looking at the ceiling.

The room is small but big enough for two beds, two bedside tables and a desk.

There is a window at the end of the room and a door to the bathroom.

I set down my bag and suitcase.

"Can I take this bed? " Kylie asks, sitting on the bed, resting on her forearms

"Sure", I reply.

I open my suitcase and begin undoing it, putting the clothes I'll use while we're staying here in the little closet near my bed.

"You're undoing your suitcase? " Kylie asks, surprised.

"Yeah. My mom gave me this habit. She did it each time we went on vacations."

She slowly nods.

"Your mom's a perfectionist."

I smile, Grandma, according to dad, used to say that too.

"Well, I guess I inherited this from her."

Kylie gets up, walks towards the window and opens it. Her dark hair float in the little bit of wind that escapes from outside. The sun is making her hair glow.

I try to think of a thing to say, as she looks through the window and I continue folding and putting my clothes on the shelves.

"What are you going to do during the hour we'll have?" she asks before I can find a subject.

Great question. Truth is, I don't even know.

"Don't know yet, I reply. I mean I'll surely stay with Charlie."

"You two are so cute together", she says, filling the blank.

I smile.

"Thanks", I reply, putting my hair behind my ears.

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