Chapter Twelve

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It is decided, I'll go to the trip to Europe. I must say Addison is so excited that it makes me impatient for the trip too.

Anyway, before the big trip, and prom and the end of the year, we still have classes. I wish I could skip this part, the one with all the exams etc., just like you can skip an episode when you watch a TV show. But it seems that life isn't a TV show.

My phone buzzes with a new message, I look over to my desk where my phone is set down. I'm standing at the other corner of my room, looking through the window, daydreaming.

I walk to my phone.

MY LOVE❤️-Hey, how r u doing?

I smile at the text.

ME-Hey okay and u?

MY LOVE❤️-Alright

ME-U sound sad u sure ur okay?

MY LOVE❤️-How can I sound sad; we're not even talking😂

ME- True, sorry😅

MY LOVE❤️- No, ur right

ME- What's wrong, love?

MY LOVE❤️-Ur not here with me

ME-We'll see tmrw, remember?

MY LOVE❤️-Yeah, but tmrw we'll have classes, it won't be the same🥺

I get up from my chair and get out of my bedroom. My aunt is watching TV in the living-room:

"Where are you going?", she asks as she turns around.

"I'll be back for dinner" I answer.

Before she could add something, I take my vest and get out of the house.

Where am I going?

Easy, to see Addison.

She told me she has this thing with her family today. Her sister will come the next day and so her family prepares everything. But I could see this didn't make her that happy. I know this reminds her of the last time she saw her sister, in other words, the accident.

And for nothing in the world I want to see her suffer like that. On the way to her house, I stop at a flower shop and buy her a bouquet of red roses, her favorite.

I smile at the thought of her, I hope she will like that I come to see her and bought her a bouquet.

Once on her doorstep, I ring at her door. Someone opens the door. I guess it is her mother. I didn't realize coming here would mean meeting Addison's parents.

"Good afternoon, ma'am", I say.

"You're coming for Addison, right?"

I nod.

"Come in, she'll be here in a second"

She opens the door for me to enter. I nervously smile at Addison's dad, I suppose.

Maybe I shouldn't have come here.

What are you thinking, Charlie? Of course you should have come here! It's Addison we're talking about.

"Addison!" her mother calls her.

"What?" I recognize her voice.

"Come downstairs, someone's here for you"

"I'm not waiting for anyone" she replies as she goes downstairs.

That's when she sees me, a smile draws on her lips as she speeds up to hug me.

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