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'Prisha!' Renee screamed, racing across the carpark.

Prisha staggered backwards at the weight of her effusive embrace. People leaving the train looked over at them curiously.

'Thanks, Nay, for picking me up,' Prisha said, her throat thick as she buried her face into her shoulder, hugging her back.

'I can't believe he left you there!' She was sobbing.

'I wouldn't make a report.'

Her sister pulled away. Tears glistened on her cheeks. She stared at her in disbelief. 'Why not?'

Prisha gave her a sardonic look.

'Ah ... yes ... well ... I don't think they believed me either.'

'You told them?!'

'Of course! It might be an outrageous story but it's still the truth! I needed to find you, Prish.' She gripped her shoulders. 'What happened? Where'd you go? I waited and I waited but you didn't come back.'

'Can we talk about it somewhere else?' Prisha said, looking around at those watching.

'Right. Of course. I'm just so damn glad you're okay.' She gave Prisha a wobbly smile, then another hug before taking her wrist and pulling her towards her car. 'I've already told everyone that you're back,' she said.

'Oh.' Oh, shit. Everyone. Everyone would want an explanation. 'Please tell me you didn't tell them about anything, right?'

'No. Not about that. I don't even know what the hell I saw.' Her face was red.

The moment they both sat in the car and slammed their doors, Renee turned towards her. 'What happened? Was it really a spaceship? Was there an alien? Did it abduct you?'

'Can't I get home first?'

Her sister glared at her.

'Fine. Yes, yes and yes.'

'Holy Jesus. Are you okay? What did it do? What did it look like? You seem okay. Did it hurt you?'

Prisha hesitated. No. She had to tell someone. She couldn't keep this to herself. So she told her everything. It was extraordinary. How could something so momentous take only a few minutes to explain?

Her sister looked breathless. Her cheeks were flushed. 'What does this mean?' she asked.

'I don't know.' Prisha wrapped her arms around the blanket, pulling it into her chest.

'Can I touch it?'

Prisha nodded and her sister reached out to stroke it. Her brown eyes were wide and shining. 'I can't believe this. I felt like such a fool telling the police the truth. They asked me questions ... thinking you'd tricked me. That you left me on purpose.' She looked into Prisha's eyes. 'I started to believe it. I'm sorry.'

'I don't blame you. I probably wouldn't have believe it either.'

'I didn't leave you. I stayed all night.'

'I know.'

'I was scared.' Her voice trembled.

'It's okay.' Prisha grabbed her wrist. 'I made the stupid, dangerous choice. I take responsibility for the consequences.'

'What consequences?'

'If there are consequences.'

Renee swallowed. 'You should see a doctor. Get a checkup.'

Prisha shrugged.

'Prish. Promise me.'

'Okay.' And she said it knowing she would do no such thing.

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