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Prisha thought she was smart but today she wasn't. Of course the car wasn't there. Her sister was gone—with the car. Duh. And she didn't have keys to drive it anyway. Prisha raked her fingers through her sweaty hair. Which meant Renee was okay and had gotten home and wasn't lost or lying in a ditch somewhere.

Thank God.

She continued along the road. Every now and then a car passed. She could have hitchhiked but Prisha knew there was a petrol station not far ahead.

About fifteen minutes, she arrived. She stood on the threshold, kicking the dirt off her boots before stepping inside. Prisha's eyes fluttered. The air-conditioning made her want to lie on the floor and die.

'You're looking cooked and overdone,' the woman at the counter said with a smirk. 'Exciting hike?'

Prisha suddenly realised she still had her stick. She leaned it up against a shelf. As for her precious "space" blanket, she kept it tucked tightly under her arm. Prisha gave a wobbly grin. 'Extremely. The most exciting damn hike of my life.'

The woman gave her a quizzical look but didn't ask further questions.

'I'm a bit stuck, though,' Prisha said quickly. 'My sister kind of left me alone and there's no way to get home. I was wondering if I could use your phone ...'

Her sister didn't answer. Unsurprising. She often didn't have her phone on her. Prisha briefly thought about ringing up her friend Natasha but thought better of it. She was a new mum and way too busy.

'No luck?' The woman asked as Prisha handed it back over.

Prisha shook her head. 'Can I try in fifteen minutes or so?'

'No problem.'

Prisha smacked her lips.

'Want some water?' the woman asked.

'I have no money.'

'That's okay. You look as dry as a leather boot. I'm not going to have you collapse in my store. Too much paperwork.' The woman grinned.

She handed over a bottle and Prisha drank deeply. 'Thank you.'

The woman's eyes darted over her. She seemed to want to ask more questions but a customer entered and Prisha wandered away, drinking her water.

Prisha waited until they were done before returning.

She cleared her throat. 'Tell me, has there been anything strange going on. Anything unusual?'

'Like what?'

Prisha shrugged. She could feel the heat rushing up her throat. 'Like bright lights. Anything weird in the sky?'

The woman's eyebrows bunched together. 'Not as far as I've heard.'

They can't see you? Only when I want to be seen.

'Right. Right.' Prisha nodded.

'We've had the police in though,' the woman said.

'The police?'

'Yes. Apparently a woman went missing on a hike a few days back. They're investigating.'

'Oh? Really?' Prisha said with disinterest. 'Does that happen often?'


'Hmm ...' Prisha shrugged. 'Can I use your phone again?'

After three rings, her sister picked up. 'Hello?'

'Nay! Where the hell are you?! Are you okay? Why'd you leave me like that?'

'Prisha?' Her voice sounded strange, deep, almost suspicious.

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