Part 34

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She couldn't control anymore that she broke into more tears.

Jin and Lisa soon came towards her comforting her.

Jisoo : That day someone visited, he was that lady's elder brother,

Her hands were trembling thinking about the incident that happened to her mom that day, she started to rub her hands to calm herself.

Jisoo : He looked like a great gentleman but there was a devil intention behind his good face. Everything was good until it was evening, dad and lady were out it was only me Tae and mom with that man in our house.

She gulped before continuing___

Jisoo : When she was working in the kitchen he tried to touch he badly, Mom got scared and slapped him across his face she ran from there towards us in the living. We got scared see her running to save herself, but that man.......

She paused for a second ___

Jisoo : He forcefully picked mom put and took her towards the room, we ran behind seeing mom screaming her heart but soon door was locked from inside, Mr and Tae started bragging on the door crying and screaming. We were clueless we ...we di..dnt know what do that time. Few hours the door opened he cameout with a ...... I hate that look his face that day.

She said while fisting his hands into a hard grip while closing her eyes.

Jisoo : I was mature enough to know what should have happened inside and didn't let Tae go inside i just made go to his, because i didn't want him see mom like that but I have check on so i went inside the room and......

Before she could complete her Jin hugged her tightly

Jin : No no ......

She cried on his shoulder with so much pain, everyone there felt a Sting in their heart.

After few minutes she calm down a little bit and continued the story still on Jin's shoulder.

Jisoo : She didn't had tears, no sadness she just sat there emotionless in that room. But next day when we woke up and came downstairs to see her cooking breakfast for us like usual but their something was unusual that was her smiling face.
I felt strange but the smile on her face made me not to overthink. That day she took us on an outing, we went to the parks, watched movies, ate icecreams everything we enjoyed a lot, still clueless about what was on mom's mind



The trio were walking back to their house after their outing.

Mom : Did you enjoy today my babies
Tae : Yeer Eomma TaeTae loved it

He said with a big smile on his small face

Jisoo : Yes me too Eomma
Mom : Omo my babies looks so happy

She hugged them tightly

As they reached the overbridge walking with Tae and Jisoo on her either sides holding their hands tightly.

Soon their eyes caught on a Ice cream stand. She smiled and looked at Jisoo

Mom : Baby look go and buy icecream
Jisoo : Mom we already ateso mch

Her mom smiled at as she kneeled on their level

Mom : Look bubba I don't know if Eomma would be able to buy you guys ice cream anymore or not so for this time please listen eomme and look at this chubby bear he still eat more icecreams right baby
Tae : Yes Yes yes

Tae jumped in happiness like that Jisoo went to the buy the ice cream

Flashback ends

Jisoo : But i as she said it was our last time to buy that icecream. After buying it I came back the place where mom and Tae was standing, when I came back mom was not there only Tae was standing their crying. I immediately ran towards him.
That when I realised that she did all these only to make us happy as her last wish.

She looked at Jungkook

Jisoo : Today That bridge, it was where mom jumped down to end her life, in front of Tae, The poor soul witnessd his mom killing herself infront of his eyes.

Jin and Lisa covered their mouth in shock, when they listenef that Tae have to witness his mother's death in front of his, how much pain should have he felt to see that.

Jisoo : From that he stopped talking to people except me. After that day We started to live in that house like servants. That lady was cruel and made us every house chores. Not giving us enough food doesn't cared of our studies.
Like that i decided to do part time jobs because we have to survive in that house but i regreted taking that decision. Wherever i am out that lady took all her Anger on Tae she started to abuse him.

Lisa : So that marks on his body
Jisoo : Yes the painful gift from our parents

They looked at her confused, seeing that she smiled and rolled up her sleeves showing them that not only Tae, they both got abused by their parents.

Seeing Jungkook clenched his teeth in anger, Namjoon and Lisa gave her a pity look as Jin brought his hands and caressed on the marks on her body making her smile.

Jin : It looks painful
Jisoo : It was but not now

Jungkook stood up and walked towards her and crouched onto the couch level infront of Jisoo, and held her hands

Jungkook : Noona

He called her while caressing his thumb on her hands

Jungkook : I don't know how to comfort you but from now you are a part of this family and my sister. I want to pamper you guys with a so much love that you guys lost. From now on you are not alone we all are with you as your family.

Jisoo felt so warm hearing his words, for the first time she felt what home means.

Jin and Lisa side hugged her

Jin : We will make a great family

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