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— The First Scenario

    In the noisy convince store, Ji Hui could hear the loud shouting of the broody man in front of him. He seemed to be angry with the clerk.

"Fuck! I said I'll pay it later!" The man shouted at the scared clerk who stumbled on his words.

"S-Sir you already credited t-ten items." The cerk tried to explain. In this specific store you can't credit more than ten items.

"Can't you just make an acception?!" The man got even more irritated at the clerk who shrunk even more.

Ji Hui held his mother's hand as she grew irritated with the loud gangster and started scolding him.

"If you aren't gonna pay get out of line. You're holding up the rest of the line." The ganster let go of the clerk and turned toward her.

"That's right! Leave that poor boy alone!" The rest of the customers chimed in as well.

"What did you say bitch?" He cursed in her face trying to intimidat her but she didn't back down.

"Will you leave peacefully or should I call the police?" She threatened him and it seemed to work as the man turned to leave, intentionally bumping into her. "bitch."

"Youngsters these days have no manners!" The old women behind them muttered.

Ji Hui followed his mother to counter and the clerk scanned the items not forgetting to thank her.

"Thank you..I'll let you have this for free for today as thank you." He said pushing the food toward her.

"No, No, let me pay for it." The cerk tried to reason with her but she adamantly refused so he glanced at Ji Hui.

"Then how about I let him choose something free of charge?" He suggested.

"Are you sure? I don't want to cause trouble." His mother seemed hesitant but glanced at Ji Hui.

She noticed that he had been anxious all day and when she asked him whats up he said only one thing.

I have a bad feeling.

"No! It's no problem at all!" The clerk reassured her and she relented.

"Hui, how about you pick something?" She ran her fingers through his hair but Ji Hui just kept a firm hold on her hand.

He didn't want to be separated, something told him that setting bad was going to happen.


The lights in the store went dark causing a mass confusion of every individual in the store. In the dark one or two phones turned on as it seemed the street lights went out too.

"What's going on?"

"Did the power go out?"

The feeling of dread grew larger in Ji Hui's gut.

He clenched his mother's hand even tighter.

A bright light came from the front of the only exit available in the store. There was a loud crackling followed by a loud pop.

[ The free service of planetary system 8612 has been terminated.]

[ The main scenario has started. ]

Ji Hui watched as a creature that couldn't be called an angle or demon made its appearance. He could instinctively tell this was dangerous.

It had two small horns proding from its head as it dressed in a straw mat. It had black fur and weird black eyes.

[ Ah. Ah, does this sound good? I had a hard time because my Korean patch malfunction. Can you all hear my word's? ]

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