Chapter 6

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CatNap's POV:

I woke up and DogDay wasn't here, guess he had to go. I flipped onto my chest and crawled over to the bedside counter, there was a lined sheet of wide-ruled notebook paper with writing. I picked it up and read it. It said:

Hello and good morning again CatNap! I had to go because I'm pretty sure the other critters needed help teaching the kiddos at Playcare. You can text me once you wake up.

Love you bunches!

I looked for my pants in DogDay's bedroom and came across it after about a minute and a half. I checked its pockets and found my phone. I forgot to take my clothes back to my house after I showered with him. I opened the messenger app and texted DogDay.

CN:hey puppy

DD:Hey CatNap! Finally up I see?

CN:a little sore so don't expect anything too special tonight

DD:Thought so. Anyway, it's actually almost lunch. Do you want me to get anything from the bar and bring it to you so you don't have to leave the house?

CN:just get me whatever you're getting

DD:Roger that, be back in a little!

CN:alright puppy

In the meantime, I just enjoyed the freedom of not wearing clothes, I felt so free. I got one of DogDays' fur brushes and brushed my fur out well because it was sticking out everywhere from rolling around in his bed in my sleep. Every now and then it would get stuck on a knot and it tugged on my fur, it hurt a little.

Once I finished brushing my fur, I got a fluffy blanket from the closet and wrapped myself in it before heading downstairs to the couch, waiting for DogDay to come back with my lunch and himself.

. . .

I was snuggled in the fluffy blanket, looking through the living room window to see if I could spot him walking up to the house. After what felt like 20 minutes, I saw him carrying what looked like two light brown fast-food paper bags containing food. I moved where I was leaning against the arm of the couch. He opened the door and locked it once he came inside, then he sat next to me on the couch.

I hugged him, feeling a wholesome sensation within my chest, it felt warm. "Miss me much?" He asked me, hugging me back. "Mhm." I replied. "Well, you gotta get off of me if you wanna eat lunch." "Oh, right." I got off him, moved the blanket where it covered my waist and down, and moved my feet from the couch to the floor. DogDay grabbed my bag and handed it to me, then grabbed his, then we both started eating.

. . .

After we ate, DogDay leaned towards me. "Uhh, do you need something puppy?" I asked him. "You." He responded. "Well, all I can say is you can't be naughty with me until I'm ready." I said to DogDay, who then made a sad expression. "Awww... can I at least kiss you?" "Of course."

. . .

After an intense make-out session, DogDay hugged me tightly. "So, uhh, wanna come with me to Playcare to help teach the kiddos?" DogDay asked me, in which I replied with, "I'd love to puppy, just hold on a second."

I ran off to my house to get something for DogDay, then came running back with a crochet bone. "W-what? How'd you make that right under my nose? You've basically been with me ever since you were introduced, tell me, how?" DogDay asked me, full of curiosity. "Well, after my arms recovered in the infirmary, I asked Bobby to get some crochet materials, and I made it in about 12 hours." I answered.

. . .

DogDay's POV:

After CatNap handed me the crochet bone he crocheted in the infirmary, I set it on my living room table and followed him out the door. We went off to Playcare to help teach the kiddos with the other critters. Lunch was about over, so I told CatNap, "Hey kitten, can you check the bar to see if the other critters have left yet? I'll check Hoppy's area and wait for you there. Okay?" I asked CatNap. "Sure I can do that, but," he came up to me and kissed me on the lips, "I wanted a kiss first." I kissed him back and he ran off to the bar and I ran off to Hoppy's area.

CatNap's POV:

I ran to the bar to see if anybody was in it, there wasn't. While I was there, I decided to get a can of Coke. Once I paid for it, I jogged to where Hoppy taught the kids about physical health and sports. It was a pretty long jog, but I eventually reached the location. I saw DogDay and Hoppy together, DogDay was holding a baseball bat and Hoppy had the ball, showing the orphans how to play baseball.

Hoppy pitched the ball, DogDay hit it, and it went flying in my direction. I didn't see it coming, so it hit me in the face. I don't know where it hit me in the face, all that I knew is that my head was feeling funny and I was laying on the ground. I could hear DogDay's voice, it was a little muffled, he asked me, "My moon. Are you alright?" "Puppy? My head's feeling a bit funny." I said to him. DogDay and Hoppy picked me up and rushed me to where Bobby was, she was teaching the kids about first aid as I could see a blurry red cross near her.

I could hear conversation around me, it made my head throb from pain so I grabbed my ears and held them down to muffle it more. I closed my eyes because the light was piercing, then felt myself being carried somewhere else.

When I opened my eyes again, I was in the same infirmary room from when I recovered from the injuries that hyena gave me, but the lights were off. I saw DogDay and Hoppy on my right, sitting in chairs, to my left was Bobby, she was wearing a white coat. "What happened? Why am I here?" I asked DogDay. "Me and Hoppy were teaching the kiddos how to play baseball, then you got hit when I hit the ball."

Then Bobby came up to me with a small focused light and held the beam in my eyes, it stung a little. Then she took note of it and said, "He has a concussion." I had a concussion apparently. "So, DogDay, since I know he'll be around you the most, I need you to make sure he gets good rest, limit his daily activities for the next 48 hours, and make sure that he isn't in any place too bright. Just make sure that he doesn't have a lot of screen time, read a lot, and keep him in a dark place, that's really it. If you need more information, read this list." Bobby said to DogDay and gave him a list, probably saying the dos and don'ts of my current state.

"Thanks Bobby, I'll take him home then. Thank you." DogDay said. He then picked me up, you already know how, and covered my face with a beanie he had stuffed in his pocket. "Where're we going?" I asked him. "We're going to your house since it's dimmer than mine." He replied.

. . .

Once we reached my house, DogDay opened the door while still carrying me, walked in, and closed it. "Oh shit, before I forget, I had a soft drink before this happened and I don't know where it went." I said to DogDay. "Alright, I'll ask Hoppy to look for it." DogDay said, then sat on the couch, still holding me. He moved the beanie back where it was on my head properly, the lights were off and small beams of light came in through the curtains, it was calm, quiet, and peaceful. I wrapped my arms around DogDay's neck and pulled myself up a bit and rubbed my head on his collarbone.

"Need something?" He asked me. "Where's my drink?" I asked him. "You just said that you had it before all this happened, I'll call Hoppy now to look for it." He pulled out his phone and called who I assumed was Hoppy.

"Hey Hops, uhh, CatNap told me he had a drink before we took him to the infirmary, so could you look around where he collapsed?" Then there was a small pause, "Oh, thanks, see you tonight at dinner!" He then hung up and pulled me close to him, I felt protected and felt wholesomeness in my body, then fell asleep.

Words: 1440

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