Chapter 2.

3 2 0

Words Count: 1030+


That time some people came inside they were carrying my stuff. They got it so fast?

Charles: Keep the stuff in the girls room.

He said to the people.

James came towards me who was missing the whole time Charles was explaining me.

James: Here pretty miss I carved your name on the Elite's cloak.

The fuck they have their own cloaks?

He handed me a cloak which was white with black borders on the upper area and my name 'Ashley Greywood' sewed perfectly in purple colour.

It was in a word beautiful and cool.

Kathie: Come on James don't flirt with the newcomer.

Eric: I still do not agree with her joining the Elite House.

He coldly said glancing at me one last time and going inside one of the three doors I assume was the boys room.

God! Why does he hate me so much? I haven't even known him for whole 3 hours now....

What? It's been three hours?

Stacey: It's getting late let's go.

Kathie: Come on Ashley let's go.

She said to me with a smile which I returned

Stacey: Good night boys.

Max: Night!

We entered the room it was pretty big and enough for three people to live comfortably.

It was three beds and a study table besides them.

And my stuff was all perfectly set on its place not that I had a lot of stuff but still.

Kathie: Ashley you can freshen up the washroom is that way.

She pointed the washroom. I nodded and took my pj's from the cupboard beside my bed.

After a while I came out all ready wearing my pj's.

I saw Stacey and Kathie playing cards.

They asked me to join them. After playing for 2 hours with them they got to know everything about me and I got to know everything about them.

They were really friendly and they were already my best friends for I never had any friends.

Stacey: Say Ashley what about your family?

My face turned down

Ashley: My parents died when I was 5. My uncle loved me and raised me after that just like a parent but he passed away last year too. So to escape from all those haunting memories I moved here with the money my uncle had left me.

Their smiles faded.

Kathie: We are really sorry Ashley.

Ashley: No no its okay. What about your family?

Stacey: All of our parents were the past Elites. No one has siblings except Eric who has an elder sister.

Ashley: Cool.

Kathie: You know we get a great pay here.

Ashley: Pay? I will get salary here?

Stacey: Obviously.

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