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After the summer break

The break ended  and today is the first day back also this is the last semester after that I'll officially be in highschool.
The thought excites me and terrifies me at the same time.

I am right now on my way to school. I decided to walk today as I had some extra time on my hands this morning.
As I reached the school gates I saw Amanda.

Should I go say 'hii' or should I just pass by and let her make the first move . She doesn't even remember me I guess .
Maybe she's waiting for me. I don't know what should I do
These thoughts run through my mind as I approach the parking lot and I notice she's standing with a girl

(Inner voice)

Oh so she already made another friend and forgot about you .

I am not that likeable I guess

" Heyy Lia" I hear Amanda's cheery voice .

Looks like she does remember you

"Hey Amanda" I say and turn towards them only to be wrapped up in a warm hug by her. This hug gets me to shock because we are practically strangers and she's behaving like my best friend from the womb .

I let out an awkward chuckle and hug her back
" Hey , I am Rachel"  the other girl says not really touching me .

" Hello .. you're new here too I suppose. " I say

That better be true or we're establishing that you're unlikable Amelia

" Yeah she's from my old school. She's my best friend ever since we started middle school. " Amanda says and we walk inside the building.

A groan escapes from all of us at the same time and we look at each other and laugh.
It was because as much as we wanted to like school.... we all hated it due to different reasons off course.

(Thats how the trio was created)


I Reach school earlier than usual and wait by the parking lot for my one and only childhood best friend.

She's pissed at me right now because I left her in the school alone for a whole week as I had to fly for my family vacation. I didn't do it purposely it just slipped my mind to tell her . Me and the boys were going with my family and the topic just never came up in front of her so she didn't know .

And when she called me the night I was about to board

That night

"  Hey Nick where are you? Lets go get icecream please I am so fed up of staying at my house. I have to tell you alot . I am so stressed. Can we please hang out? " She said . She did sound worried and stressed
Maybe its her parents.

" I am at the airport right now Amy . " I said as the realisation of my mistake hit me.
I didn't tell her. Fuck. She can't be that mad right....but ohh boy I was so wrong....

" What??! Who are you dropping off? We can talk after you get back . I can wait for you at the icecream parlour but please hurry. " She says in her sweet voice.

" Amy I am going to Hawaii. I am so sorry I forgot to tell you. Its a family vacation. It wasn't my intention to hide this from you please don't be mad ......" I continued all sorts of reasons I could

" Heyoo man we have a plane to board on " jack said .
I told him shushh and continued my rant on the phone.

" Please Amy , I am really sorry. Say something. Whatever it is we ca- " and the line went dead . Thats when I knew I fucked up. She's never this pissed.

I know she's pissed at the fact that I didn't mention this to her but also it was because I couldn't be with her when she needed me. Also she must be feeling betrayed that all my guy friends knew about it and she being my best friend doesn't.

I couldn't call her back because I had to get on the plane and after that she never picked up.

End of that night.

Today , right now I am waiting for her to show up.
I have liked her since I first saw her on the first day of middle school. She was the only girl I wanted and she still is but if she only knew.

I saw her walking towards the parking lot lost in her thoughts as always. Looking beautiful as always. I couldn't think around her again as always. As I came back to my senses to take some action towards the apology I needed to make to her she turned towards some girls I have never seen before in this school.

Jake and Patrick approached me  as I watched the girls hug and greet amongst themselves. Since when does Amy has friends. I leave her for what a week alone in school and she has a whole freaking friend group.
I know I shouldn't be jealous. I have been friends with so many people. Jake and Patrick are my friends since we were in diapers as our parents are best friends. Its natural.

She can't always be mine she has to make friends but why didn't she tell me. I don't think I need to apologise now because if I was having fun in Hawaii then she must be hanging out with these girls too.

" Heyy Nick! Still trying to apologise to your girl? " Jack says

" How many times do I have to tell you she's not my girl and she'll never be. We're best friends ." I tell him.
As much as it pleases me to hear that she's my girl
I can't. Not without her consent.

" C'mon you like her since forever bro" Patrick  my another best friend says

" Maybe I do but it doesn't matter" I say because it really doesn't matter.
Now she has friends.. she'll forget me soon enough.

Maybe I was just there when she was alone and now she has those girls . I hope my thoughts aren't true.

" Whatever helps you sleep at night brother.  She might not be into you right  now but I say its high time as you make your move or else she'll be gone with someone else." Patrick says

I know he's right and I ignore him because thats easy.

" Lets get to class ." I say and walk towards the entrance as the girls walk in front of us I hear them laughing. I am jealous because she always laughs with me . She's my best friend. How can it just end?

Author's note

This is the first story I am writing.
Please give it a read. Criticism is appreciated in the comments but don't put any spoilers.
Bye  ♥️

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