Slipping away

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Chapter 11
[instagram, real life]



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liked by hayleycaddel and others laurenmarie diner date with paigey and my name twin(:Tagged: paigebuekers

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liked by hayleycaddel and others
laurenmarie diner date with paigey and my name twin(:
Tagged: paigebuekers

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paigebuekers my pretty girl❤️
laurenmarie I love you❤️❤️

hayleycaddel I miss my lolo. Come home 🥺
laurenmarie booking my flight right now

laenahart hottie🔥
laurenmarie says you😘

user4 paige is the best big sister
laurenmarie she sure is

caitlinclark22 @paigebuekers you look constipated 💀
paigebuekers I was caught off guard man. They were plotting against me
laurenmarie I think you look cute baby
paigebuekers thank you my love
caitlinclark22 ewww, get a room. They make private chats for a reason
laurenmarie 😂

haileyvanlith @paigebuekers baller 🏀
paigebuekers thanks hails
Paige and I were currently in Michigan staying with her mom for christmas break.

It was the day before we left and Paige was soaking up all the time she had with her siblings. I took Paige and Lauren out for dinner and ice cream before we came home.

Which leads to where we are now, my head on Paige's shoulder and Lauren's on her big sister's chest, fast asleep. The soundtrack to tangled playing in the background.

I start to doze off when I feel a hand run through my hair, trailing down to my arm and rubbing up and down a few times.

"You tired baby?", Paige asks after a while.

I nodded and yawned, feeling Paige pat my arm, signaling for me to stand up. Stretching my arms out I lean off of her shoulder so she can get up.

I watch as my beautiful girlfriend picks her sleeping sister up in her arms and then turn to me.

"Go up to my room. I'll be there in a second", she whispers before making her way to Lauren's room.

I smile and stand up, turning the tv off and grabbing my phone before making my way towards Paige's bedroom. I could feel my eyes start to shut as I slowly open her door and flop onto her bed. Shoving my face into her pillow, the scent that is Paige fills my nose.

A few minutes later I hear her door quietly open and shut before footsteps are heard on the carpet and the bed dips next to me.

I feel a hand on my back, making its way down and under my shirt. Softly moving over my skin.

I sigh and turn my head so I can see Paige smiling down at me with that big smile i love so much.

"I love you", I mumble with a grin.

"I love you", she says softly.

After a few more seconds of back tickles, I roll over and allow Paige to lay down next to me.

She pulls the covers back and we both get under and I cuddle up under her.

Immediately falling asleep the moment she begins to run her fingers through my hair.
I woke up the next morning, yawning and stretching my arms over my head. Throwing one of my arms over what I thought was Paige but turned out to be a cold space where Paige once was.

Groaning, I open my eyes and look around the room, noticing the blonde was nowhere to be seen. The bathroom light was off so that ruled out that theory.

I look over at the clock and frowned when it read 4:00am. Paige and I had to leave for our flight at 7:00am, why was she up so early.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slipped on Paige's bunny slippers and grab a blanket to throw over my shoulders before making my way down the stairs and looking all around the house.

Not in the kitchen, not in the living room, not in the basement which I didn't even bother to check considering how dark and eerie it was. I went to walk up stairs when I saw her outside of the kitchen window.

Sighing, I made my way out of the front door and over to the driveway where Paige was dribbling a basketball and shooting it into their basketball hoop.

"What are you doing", I asked softly.

My girlfriend glances over at me before picking up the ball and continuing to dribble up the driveway.

I push my eyebrows together and make my way over towards the blonde girl that was completely ignoring me.

I place my hand on her shoulder and she just shrugs it off, shooting the ball and missing. I hear her groan as she walks over to retrieve it.

"What the hell is your problem", I say angrily.

Paige scoffs and begins to dribble the ball. I get fed up with this and when the ball goes down I snatch it before she could do it again.

"It is 4:00 in the fucking morning and we have a 2 hour flight home, I'm not about to do this with you", I firmly state. "What. Is. Your. Fucking. Problem."

"Why don't you go ask Riley", she snatches the ball back from me, a look of hurt crosses her face.

"What are you talking about?", I ask even more confused than before.

"She called.", is all she said before shooting and banging off of the backboard.

"What did she want?", I asked.

"Wanted to know where you were. How you were doing. And if you two could talk", Paige explains, looking over at me.

I nod and look down at my feet trying to distract myself from how cold I was. That's when it dawned on me why Paige was upset.

"You don't think I gave her my number, do you?", I shot my head back up.

Paige shrugs and continues dribbling. "Don't know how else she would have got it. You changed your number a year ago"

I walk up to her and take her face in my hands, staring into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I meant what I said. I love you. There's nobody else. Riley is a bitch", I stutter.

Paige nods and backs up, putting the ball back under the hoop and making her way inside the house, leaving me all alone.

I felt like she was slipping away and there's nothing I could do to change it.

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