Who is she?

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Chapter 2
[real life]

After two and a half hours of screaming babies and large men who snore like pigs, I finally landed in Connecticut.

I waited until people started making their way off of the plane before I stood up, threw my bag over my shoulder and began walking behind a woman who's baby started crying when she got on and was still crying as she walked off.

I sighed as I finally made it completely out of the terminal and back into the busy airport.

Speeding my way down the hall I stepped onto the escalator, praying it would go faster so I could get in the car and fall asleep.

Once the escalator was far enough down I could see Hailey standing by a column scrolling on her phone. I stepped off and made my way over to my best friend.

"Hayley", I squealed as I got closer her.

"Lauren", she yells running up to me, picking me up in a bone crushing hug.

While my families hugs were warm and happy, hers were crushingly painful, I have to check for broken bones after every hug she gives me.

"How was the flight?", she asks as we walk out to her car.

"It was ok, I'm absolutely exhausted though", I sighed.

"Well I hate to do this but....", she trails off. "We have to go pick up azzi from basketball."

I check my phone and noticed it was only 4:30.

"When do they get out?", I ask, hopping into the passenger seat.

"5:00, azzi really wanted to see you", she pulls out and gets onto the main road before glancing at me.

I nod my head and look out of her car window, watching the large building pass by as we sped down the road.

"Is the team good this year?", I ask as we pull into campus.

"Yes! So much better than last year. You remember when Azzi was telling us about their star player that tore her ACL", Hayley asks as the facility comes into sight.

"Paige right?", I look at her.

"Mmhmm, well she's been practicing with the team the past few weeks and Azzi says she even better than last year", she explains, pulling into a parking spot.

"That's good", I say stepping out and following Hailey into the gym.

She nods, holding the door open for me. The moment I walk in I hear feet running and a man yelling from inside. I turn and look at Hayley with wide eyes.

"That's geno", she giggles pushing me farther into the gym where I can see about 14 girls running around the small court and a man is yelling at them to go faster.

"Hey Hayley", he says, glancing over at the red head and I as we walk farther into the gym.

"Who's this", he asks giving me a large smile.

"I'm Lauren Marie", I say holding my hand out towards him.

He takes my hand and gives it a firm shake before looking back over at the girls.

"Showers", he yells.

The girls begin to slow down, some bending over to catch their breaths while others run to the trash cans.

After they all seemed to regain consciousness they began their way towards the locker room.

"One sec hay, I want to introduce y'all to a few people", Azzi says smiling at us before making her way into the locker room.

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