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 Despite his mother's advice, the thought of confronting Ava, of having to openly acknowledge that he didn't share her feelings, was unbearable to him. The fact that Ava didn't remember her own confession should have made things easier, but for Fred, it only complicated them further. He couldn't just erase that moment from his memory; it was a revelation that had altered the fabric of their relationship, invisible to Ava yet glaringly apparent to him.

The idea of pretending nothing had happened was inconceivable to Fred. Every interaction, every glance in Ava's direction brought back the weight of that night, the words she had slurred out in a drunken haze but which had sobered him to a reality he wasn't prepared to face. How could he look at her the same way, laugh and share moments as they used to, knowing the unspoken truth that lay between them?

It was this impasse that kept Fred trapped in a cycle of avoidance. To confront the issue meant to risk hurting Ava, something he'd vowed never to do. Yet, in his attempts to protect her feelings, he was causing more harm than good, allowing the gap between them to widen with each passing day. His actions, meant to be a shield, were instead casting a shadow over the friendship they both cherished.

As graduation came and went, the distance between Fred and Ava only widened. The friendship that used to be all about laughing together and sharing dreams seemed to just fall silent, like a switch had been flipped.

Then, Fred took off to Europe with Troy and Eric, not even dropping Ava a hint. She heard it from their common friend, and it hit her hard, like she'd been left behind without a second thought. It was like he had just disappeared on some big adventure, and she was left figuring out what went wrong all by herself.

Completely in the dark about what really went down the night of that party at Kennedy's, Ava decided to get some answers from Nate. She needed to know if she'd messed up somehow with Fred that night. 

Desperation tinged her voice as she broached the subject that had been haunting her. "Nate, did I do something to upset Fred that night he drove me home from the party? Did I say something wrong?"

Nate, weary from his exhaustive hours at the hospital, was taken aback by her sudden entrance. "He still hasn't talked to you?" he asked, dismay in his voice.

"What do you mean?" Ava pressed, a mix of confusion and dread settling over her. "So, I did do something wrong that night? That's why he's been avoiding me?"

Nate sighed, the frustration evident. "I asked him to handle things gently. Ignoring you isn't gentle," he muttered before resigning himself to reveal what Ava deserved to know.

Ava braced herself, a knot of anxiety tightening in her stomach.

"You were pretty drunk that night," Nate began, a slight chuckle not enough to mask the seriousness of the revelation. "And you confessed to Fred... told him you've loved him for the longest time."

Ava's reaction was immediate and visceral; her face went pale as her hands flew to cover her mouth in shock. "Oh, no! What have I done?" she whispered, her voice laced with horror and embarrassment.

Nate's attempt to console her came in the form of advice he had given Fred, advice that was clearly disregarded. "I told him if he didn't feel the same, he should let you down easy, not vanish on you."

But Ava barely heard him. Her mind was a whirlwind of emotions as she abruptly left Nate's room. The reality of the situation, now fully illuminated, overwhelmed her. Alone in her room, she allowed the tears to flow freely, mourning the loss of a friendship that had meant the world to her.

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