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Ava's life became a delicate balancing act, straining to uphold a façade of normalcy amidst a torrent of emotions. Nighttime brought its own challenges; sleep eluded her, replaced by the bitter comfort of wine, which she sipped alone, lost in thought.

She had once eagerly anticipated Ethan's return home each evening, but now she found herself withdrawing. There was a deep longing within her to be near him, yet the pain of his betrayal made it unbearable to face him. Their home, once a haven of shared joy and love, now felt hollow, echoing with the unspoken tensions between them.

Ava began a heartrending routine. Each night, as Ethan's footsteps approached their bedroom, she would feign sleep, her body still and her breathing measured. Lying there, she listened to the sounds of his movements, a silent reminder of the chasm that had opened between them.

Then, when she sensed that Ethan had drifted to sleep, Ava would allow herself to open her eyes. In the dim light, she would gaze at his sleeping form, tracing the familiar lines of his face with her eyes. In those quiet, solitary moments, she could almost imagine that he was still the loving fiancé she had once known, the man who had genuinely loved her. This illusion, fragile as it was, brought her a fleeting sense of peace.

But it was a bittersweet solace. As she watched him, tears would often well up in her eyes, silently streaming down her cheeks. The contrast between the Ethan who lay asleep before her and the Ethan who had confessed his true feelings was stark and painful. Each night, as she gazed at him, a part of her mourned for the love they had lost, for the future they might never have.

"I've missed you, Ethan," Ava whispered, her voice barely audible in the stillness of the night.

Startled, she nearly leaped off the bed as Ethan suddenly opened his eyes. Her heart raced, shock registering in her wide eyes. "I'm glad to know my fiancée misses me," Ethan said, a hint of hurt lacing his voice.

"Ethan! You're... you're awake?" Ava stammered, caught off guard.

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, I am. So, please be honest with me, babe." His expression softened, concern evident in his eyes. "Why have you been avoiding me?" There was unmistakable hurt in his gaze.

Ava's eyes darted away; she wasn't prepared for this confrontation. "Uh, I... I need to use the restroom," she mumbled, attempting to escape the intensity of the moment. But Ethan was quicker, his hand reaching out to grasp hers, pulling her close until their bodies were just inches apart.

"Please stop avoiding me," he pleaded, his breath warm against her skin.

"I'm not," she lied, her voice a whisper.

Ethan scoffed lightly. "Babe, do you think I haven't noticed? You keep your distance, we barely talk, and when I'm home, you pretend to be asleep. Why?"

He gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. Ava saw the pain her actions had caused him, and it was too much. Tears began to cascade down her cheeks, revealing her inner turmoil.

'Are you actually planning to break up with me, Ethan? Is it really true that you don't love me? Six years, and all this time I was living a lie. How did we end up here? When you said you loved me, I thought it was real. Every kiss we shared became the highlight of my days. But now, knowing you were thinking of someone else, it all feels like a cruel illusion.'

Ava thought to herself, her heart heavy with this painful realization. As she intently looked into Ethan's eyes, she couldn't bring herself to voice these thoughts aloud. Instead, tears flowed freely, each one a silent testament to her shattered dreams and unspoken agony.

As tears streamed down her cheeks, Ava was the picture of heartbreak, yet Ethan was at a loss, clueless about the storm raging inside her. Ava, usually bright and cheerful, now seemed lost in sadness. The sparkle that once lit up her eyes had vanished, leaving a stark contrast to the joy he was accustomed to.

The Illusion Of UsWhere stories live. Discover now