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Ava woke up to an unsettling quiet in their home, Ethan's side of the bed untouched. Checking her phone, her heart sank - no missed calls, no messages from Ethan. She tried calling him, but it went straight to voicemail, leaving her with a heavy heart and unshed tears.

Fighting the despair, Ava headed for a steamy shower, hoping to wash away not just the physical remnants of yesterday but also the icy coldness enveloping her heart. Throughout the day, she buried herself in work, refusing to dwell on Ethan's absence, yet her mind constantly drifted back to him. Her efforts to reach him went unanswered, his silence amplifying her worries.

As evening approached without any word from Ethan, Ava decided to visit the hospital. On the way, she bought flowers and fruits for Violet's father, a gesture of goodwill amidst her own turmoil.

Upon reaching the hospital, Ava's eyes scanned the hallway and caught a glimpse of Ethan, walking briskly with fellow residents. "Ethan! Babe!" she called, but he was too far away, too engrossed in his phone call, and soon hurried off in the opposite direction. Ava's heart sank further; he was here, alive and well, yet so far away from her.

With a heavy heart, Ava continued to Mr. Stein's room. She hesitated at the door, overhearing a conversation that sent a jolt through her.

"So, are you and Ethan getting back together?" she heard Mr. Stein inquire, a playful tone in his voice.

"Dad, please..." Violet's voice was tinged with embarrassment.

Ethan's voice was missing from the exchange, but Mr. Stein's laughter was clear. "You're making Ethan uncomfortable," Violet chided her father.

Ava steeled herself and entered the room, her presence immediately changing the atmosphere. "Ava..." Ethan's voice was laced with surprise. Violet's reaction was subtle, a quick roll of her eyes betraying her annoyance.

Ignoring the tension, Ava smiled and placed the gifts on the table. "I brought these for you, Mr. Stein. I hope they help you feel better."

Mr. Stein's smile was genuine. "Thank you, young lady. And who might you be?"

Ava met Ethan's and Violet's eyes briefly before answering confidently. "I'm Ethan's fiancée."

The room went silent, Mr. Stein's expression turning to one of shock. "Oh, Ethan, you're getting married?" he asked, sadness creeping into his voice.

Ethan could only muster a weak smile. Ava, pushing past the awkwardness, cheerfully said, "Yes, we are. Our wedding is in just two weeks."

Mr. Stein nodded, his happiness forced. "I see. Well, congratulations."

Soon after, Ethan led Ava out into the corridor, his face a mix of emotions. "Ava, is there something you wanted to talk about?" he asked, finally turning to face her.

Ava's heart was racing. "Why didn't you come home last night, babe? You didn't even call."

Ethan's expression softened, guilt washing over his features. "I'm sorry. I was caught up here. Mr. Stein had a heart attack, and I stayed to help with the tests. I didn't mean to worry you."

Ava nodded, her smile forced. "It's okay. I was just concerned."

Ethan reached for her hands. "I promise, it won't happen again, babe."

Ava quickly wrapped up the conversation, eager to leave. "I should get going. You have work, and I... I have things to do too."

With a quick peck on Ethan's cheek, she left, not waiting for a response, her heart heavier than before. She needed space, space to breathe, space to think away from the hospital, away from the complexities of her relationship with Ethan.

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