•~Chapter 7~•

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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry it's rushed and kind of bad lol, please forgive me. I will do better on the next one! -SweetAngel 🤍


Warm hands ghosted across your hips, their slender fingers searing the plush flesh.

"Excuse me darling." Alastor said, his regularly overly animated and loud voice now surreally calm.

He reached across your chest, grabbing the full pot and pulling to the front burner. Internally you winced, knowing the pot handles were certainly hot and that it was definitely heavy.

For how Alastor looked he definitely had more muscle than his lean figure lead on.

He dusted his hands on his apron.

"Darling I've been meaning to discuss something with you."

Your insides twitched uncomfortably, the warmth taking a disturbingly short amount of time to pull into your lower abdomen.

Satan you really needed to get yourself together.

"Go on." You urged lazily, schooling your tone and expression. You kept your gaze locked on the pan sitting on the front burner. You listened, slowly stirring the nearly done chicken and sausage.

"I have the impression that your friend Angel, believes you will be returning with him." He began, a resolved edge to his tone.

You realized that somehow you had fallen under that belief too. After all, you had been here for almost a week now, at some point you where bound to return to your regular eternal life.

Surely this contract would be like the one before. You showed up for work, did said work and then left.

"I need you to inform him that you will not be returning with him." Alastor sighed, tapping a spoon on the edge of his large pot. A few grains of uncooked rice fell back into the chicken stock, bay leaves flouted atop the liquid.

You step away from the stove, suddenly deciding you needed to cut vegetables. You gauged the distance in between you and Alastor, who had picked up the spoon you once held and began stirring the meats.

He was giving you space.

You cleared your throat and took the chance.

"I..." Your nerves spiked, heart beat picking up as the urge to run grew strong. You were struggling to tell him no.

"I'm not telling him that I can't return home, as I myself was under the belief that I would show up for work and then leave..."

The spoon handle snapped into two, the other piece flung across the lavash kitchen. You jumped, the sound nearly sending you running. Hesitantly you glanced back, large doe eyes locked on Alastor's tense shoulders.

He breathed deeply for a moment, gathering himself. He turned to look at you, leaning against the front of the stove. The edge was hot to the touch, he paid it no mind.

"I'm sorry to inform you my dear, but you will not be returning with Angel."

"But you never said I had to stay here!"

*•~Little doe~•* {Alastor x deer reader} Where stories live. Discover now