•~Chapter 5~•

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Hello everyone! Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I was sick for a little bit, but I'm feeling better lol, anyways enjoy! -Sweet Angel🤍


You screamed in frustration, the soggy ground and earthy smell of the bayous was driving you to your wits end.

"There has to be someway out of here!" You screeched, frustrated features pointed up to the sky. Crickets and toads around you seem to laugh at your predicament.

"Let me out!"

A shadow crept up behind you, the rough tree bark distorting it's body as it moved. Silently it snickered in amusement, it's glowing gaze locked on your aggravated form.

Whipping around, your sharp gaze set on the only thing that closely resembled a demon. The lanky shadow had been the only thing you've interacted with for a while.

A wicked sense of desperate coiled in your chest.

"Please! I want out!" You screeched stamping your bare foot against the wet ground, a thick muddy impression left in its wake.

The shadows smile grew, revealing more of its glowing teeth, his chest shook as if he was hysterically laughing at you. The figure doubled over and clutched at his stomach, it's slim shoulders bouncing up and down.

"Stop laughing!" You cried, grabbing the figure up by it's wrist. He paused his smile dipping down slightly as he mocked a disappointed expression . He began to fade, wisps of black seeping through your fingers.

"No! Please come back, I'm SORRY!" You cried, grabbing fistfuls of your hair.

"PLEASE!" You screamed, all self control leaving as you pulled your hands away from your head. Your skin stung as you drug your nails up your arms, trailing angry red lines along them.

Screams ripped past your lips, the screeching becoming more animalistic by the second.

"OUT!" You growled, digging at your heaving chest.

Static buzzed around you, the animals chatter around you ceased.

"I'll give you a head start darling." A familiar voice informed. Your shrill sobs paused, anxiety prickling at your skin.


Your ears perked up, twitching as they tried to pinpoint the direction of the voice.


All your nerves spiked up, the sudden need to run set you into motion.


Off your went, twigs snapping back and ripping at your flesh. Loud static followed your trail.

You kept running, your thighs burned and the cold was stinging your nose, hot tears leaked down your pink cheeks. The feeling of something quickly chasing after you allowed you to keep up your momentum.

A cackle filled your ears.

"Almost there little doe~" He cheered, the static so thick in his voice it was almost inaudible.

Your blurred gaze caught red, the plush carpet against your cold feet sent you into a spiraling confusion.

"Carpet?" Your mind wondered as you rammed yourself into the door, it's dark grain making you frown. Hastily you flung it open, continuing to sprint down the dark hall.

It opened up onto a large foyer, the red carpet leading to the door made your shaky breath hitch.

"HEY!" A demon grunted as you sent him spiraling to the floor, green beer bottle smashing into glittering pieces.

*•~Little doe~•* {Alastor x deer reader} Where stories live. Discover now