•~Chapter 3~•

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Hello everyone! Sorry for not updating for a while, I was struggling to write this lol! Also the picture below is what I'm loosely basing you off of, I kind of image her having a human body and face though lol, but you can decide! I hope you enjoy!- Sweet Angel🤍 (sorry the image got removed because it was deemed inappropriate.)

Not my art!

You curl closer to Angel, his thick sobs stifling the shitty apartment air.

He pull you close, arms wrapping around your waist and tightening as he desperately clings to you for comfort.

The male buried his face into the plush of your stomach, warm tears soaking your light tee shirt. The pink fabric had been stolen from Angels closet long ago.

S/c fingers ran through fluffy white hair, the harsh sobs getting more hysterical by the minute. His slim shoulders hitched up with each and every chocked breath, unintelligible words spewed from his quivering lips.

The sobbing continued long into the morning, a honk of a horn or vulgar shouts would occasionally interrupt the heart breaking cries.

Eventually you felt his breathing even out. His face untucked itself form your form, allowing you a glimpse of his tear stained cheeks.

You waited silently, your e/c gaze slipping back up to the curtains whipping in the wind as hells warm air blew into the small apparent.

It felt nice, the stagnant air left your lungs, and the warm temperature seemed to mend your frayed nerves.

You waited patiently for your friend.

"Y/n" He croaked, voice thick and wet.

"Yes Angel?" There was a still beat of silence.

"I fucking hate Valentino." 

"...Me too..." You muttered back in agreement, pressing your face into Angels soft hair. The scent of strawberries and sex filled your senses, familiarity coiled around the protectiveness that had sat in your chest most of the night.

Gently you pet Angels head, fingers running comfortingly through his hair, silence once again became the star of the show.

Angel listened to Y/n soothing heart beat. The steady thumping slowly lolling him to sleep.

Your unoccupied hand rubbed soothing circles in the middle of his shoulder blades, the prominent spine making you cringe inwardly.

"When's the last time he ate?" You ponder, feeling Angel beginning to grow heavy on top of you. He snuggled impossibly closer.

"Good night Angel." You whispered, letting your nails gently scrape his scalp as you drug your fingers through his hair rhythmically.

"M'night," he mumbled, as his eyes fluttering shut.

—Angel dusts pov—

I groaned as I stirred, the pink cotton rough against my skin. Sunlight assaulted my eyes.

"Fuck." I muttered leaning up, the comforter pulled around my waist, Fat Nuggs dug his snout deeper into my side.

"Hey nuggs, how you doing?"

He oinked back, climbing up onto my lap begging for attention. I reached down, gently scratching behind his little ears. The scent of food wafted through the air.

"Hey, where's Y/N?" I asked Fat Nuggs, scooping him up into my arms and climbing out of bed.

He just stared up at me, his fat little face titling to the side as if he didn't understand my question.

*•~Little doe~•* {Alastor x deer reader} Where stories live. Discover now