𝟎𝟔𝟕; ᴠɪsɪᴏɴ

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THE DAY BEFORE THE MATCH, THE WINDS reached howling point and the rain fell harder than ever. It was so dark inside the corridors and classrooms that extra torches and lanterns were lit. The Slytherin team was looking very smug indeed, and none more so than Draco.

"Why do you cause so much trouble, hm dragon?" Narcissa asks his son.

"Not my fault, it's the genes!" Draco blames.

The Blacks looks him offends.

"Ah, if only my arm was feeling a bit better!" he sighed as the gale
outside pounded the windows.

Coventina had no room in his head to worry about anything except the match tomorrow but she couldn't take her father and brother off the head. She was informed that her father was feeling bettet now and she was curious about her brother's fiance. He was so familiar.

"I always had this effect." Aurelius smirks.

"No one ask." Antares rolls his eyes.


"Of your nonsense or of your narcissic attitude?"

"I hate you." Aurelius scoffs.

"Well I hate both of you." Aerys shrugs.

Oliver Wood kept hurrying up to her between classes and giving her tips. The third time this happened, Wood talked for so long that Coventina suddenly realized she was ten minutes late for Defense Against the Dark Arts, and set off at a run with Wood shouting after het, "Diggory's got a very fast swerve, Coventina, so you might want to try looping him-"

"James! Look it's your non biological future adopt son!" Sirius chuckles.

"Very funny, Sirius." James frowns.

Coventina skidded to a halt outside the Defense Against the Dark Arts
classroom, pulled the door open, and dashed inside. "Sorry I'm late, Professor Lupin. I-" But it wasn't Professor Lupin who looked up at her from the teacher's desk; it was Snape.

"Please, kill him." Sirius mumbles.

"Already did that." Antares smirks.

"This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten
points from Gryffindor. Sit down."
But Coventina didn't move. "Where's Professor Lupin?" she said.

"She says she is feeling too ill to teach today," said Snape with atwisted smile. "I believe I told you to sit down?" But Coventia didn't care about his words and stayed where she was.

"Aww she is worried about you Moony!" Sirius squeals like a little that as gift a lolipop.

Peter sweat drops.

"What's wrong with her?" Snape's black eyes glittered. "Nothing life threatening," he said, looking as though she wished it were. "Five more points from Gryffindor, and if I have to ask you to sit down again, it will be fifty."

"Laskos." Sirius smiled at Achilles.

"We can get rid of him whenver you have the time." Achilles smirks.

Snape gulps, he knew better than to mess with a Laskos.

Coventina rolled her eyes and walked slowly to his seat and sat down. Snape looked around at the class. "As I was saying before Potter interrupted, Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics you have covered so far-"

"Please, sir, we've done boggarts, Red Caps, kappas, and grindylows," said Granger quickly, "and we're just about to start-" "Be quiet," said Snape coldly. "I did not ask for information. I was merely commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization."

𝔖𝔱𝔬𝔯𝔶 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔢𝔞𝔱 𝔦𝔱𝔰𝔢𝔩𝔣 | 𝐇𝐏 ʷᵗᵐWhere stories live. Discover now