𝟎𝟏𝟑; ᴅᴏʀᴍs

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COVENTINA WALKED DOWN, down the winding corridors of Hogwarts, the ancient castle towering above her. She couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the place - the stone walls, the high-ceilinged rooms, the intricate stained-glass windows that let in beams of sunlight, casting prisms of color onto the floor.

It was a place that was a world unto itself, a place where magic thrived.

"I love the way, Hogwarts is described in her way!" Pandora smiled dreamily.

"I agree, little moon." Regulus smile back at her.

As she walked down the stairs to the first floor, she spotted a pair of large, black doors covered in intricate designs.

The doors were crafted from solid oak, and each had a single, solitary lock - no doubt enchanted to prevent intruders from getting inside.

Coventina approached the doors with trepidation.

She placed her hand on the lock and twisted it, feeling the intricate mechanism turn beneath her fingertips.

There was a click as the doors swung open, and Coventina stepped into her dorm.

"I never saw that dorm?" Sirius looks at her friends.

"Neither did I." Remina shrugs.

"I do," James look at his father. "This dorm was Thea Selene Potter's dorm. The former maiden of the Potter and she died centuries ago." Fleamont explains.

"In which family did she marry?" Marlene asks curiously, she was not the type to listen to history, but this one seem interesting.

"She was betrothed to Apollo Leo Black but she unfortunately passed because of a certain person and due to her death, Apollo had cause chaos in the Wizard world, many, many deaths. Then after he killed himself at the loss of his lover." This time, it was Arcturus Black who answered.

Many nods, some were worried about his words, a Black caused many deaths in their world. But those who know the true meaning of love, smiles.

Love can drive someone crazy and if their love for the person is strong enough then they would understand the consequences and still love them.

The room was all black: the walls, the floor, the ceiling, and even the bed. It was like someone had taken a piece of the night sky and brought it indoors.

But it wasn't austere or cold - there were hints of red and green, like the stars and galaxies that littered the night sky.

"So beautiful."

"Damn, the Potter's taste in things surpassed my fashion taste." Barty pouted.

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, each representing a different constellation or planetary system.

They were works of art, each one more intricate than the last, and it was clear that Coventina had put a great deal of thought into each one.

"It's really amazing, to be honest." Narcissa smiles.

All those who was fascinate with stars and starry night adore the room. It was amazing.

In the corner of the room stood a small table, its surface etched with a map of the night sky.

Coventina could see the planets in orbit, the stars in their constellations, and the comets as they streaked across the heavens.

It was like a small slice of the heavens, brought to life in a
handful of wood and glass.

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