Chapter 17

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We're finally heading to the car to make our way home, Julian packs everything in the boot. "I dibs Elowynn sitting with me." Odin says.

I huff. "Why can't I have my own seat and Leo sits with one of you guys?" I whine.

"Because you're the smallest" Leo says.

"We're basically the same size." I retort.

At this point Leo laughs. "Yea we're supposed to be around the same size but you're abnormally small. Besides, you're the youngest." Leo says.

"That's not fair, it's not my fault." I say

"It is fair, this is how life with siblings works, don't worry I know what it's like, I was the youngest till you came along, it also has its perks" Leo says.

I sigh.

I ended up sitting with Odin, my protests didn't work. Julian still hasn't spoken much, he seems really upset. On a different note i'm starting to feel quite unwell all of a sudden, I feel super drowsy, my head is killing me and my throat hurts. Odin notices this and says "Are you okay Winnie?" I simply nod not wanting to talk.

10 minutes into the drive it gets a lot worse, this is weird why am i getting sick all of a sudden and so quickly. I can't lift my head up anymore so i rest my head on Odin's chest, I know he doesn't mind since he is a big hugger, it's kinda annoying.

At some point I eventually fall asleep.

Julian POV
Elowynn's words have replayed in my head all day. "And you're not my dad." It stung, It really did. I thought we had finally gotten over this stage.

I thought she saw me as a dad more than a stranger at least.

I mean my father look works on her, that's got to count for something.

"Dad, I think Elowynn is sick." Odin says.

We get to a red light and I lean back and feel her head. She's heating up, that's not good, Vampires are cold blooded. I begin to panic and drive home as quickly as I can.

We arrive home and I carry Elowynn to her room and place her on her bed. I decide its probably best I let her rest and wake her up for dinner. When she wakes up hopefully she will feel better. I stroke her hair back and tuck her in. This is the first time i get to do so, as she's asleep so she can't protest.

Hours have passed and it's time for dinner now.

I go upstairs to go and fetch Elowynn. "Elowynn wake up." I whisper gently shaking her. She doesn't wake up.

"Sweetie" I whisper and shake her again this time she wakes up briefly and says "no" quietly. I feel her head. She's really ill she must need the sleep. I decide to leave her be and wake her up later.

It's been a while now, every hour I come up and check on her. She still isn't awake and it's the time I usually go to bed. I can't sleep while shes like this. I decide to bring her to my room so I can check on her continuously throughout the night.

I lay her gently on my bed and tuck her in. I get in on the other side. A while passes and I still can't sleep, I'm too worried. What could it be? I mean the boys all got sick before they had blood for the first time but not this bad. Maybe it's affecting her harder cause she's smaller.

Suddenly I hear a strained voice come from the side of me, Elowynn's side. "Im thirsty, papa" I turn my head towards her so quick I almost get whiplash.

She.. she called me papa... The grin on my face has never been bigger. Even if she is out of it, it still means something. It means deep down she does see me as such. Oh yes water. "Stay here i'll get you a glass of water, baby bat." I speed walk to the kitchen to get some water and retrieve back. I hand it to her. She gulps it down so fast, she must be thirsty. She looks at me and says "I'm still thirsty it didn't work."

At this moment it clicks. She is sick because of the lack of blood. She needs blood. I sit on the bed next to her, I bite my fangs down into my arm and put it close to her.  "You need blood, baby bat."

Elowynn's POV

wake up from a deep slumber, I feel so ill and out of it right now. I look around and notice I'm not in my room, I see Julian next to me and realise I must be in his room. I suddenly get an overwhelming feeling of thirst. "Im thirsty, papa." I say to Julian. At this moment I dont realise what i said. I just need water.

Julian goes and gets me a glass of water, I drink that shit instantly. It didn't work?

Julian sits next to me on the bed and holds his blood dripping arm close to me. He says I need to drink the blood.

No. I can't. I refuse, I hold my lips shut tight.

"It'll make you feel better, Elowynn." Julian says almost desperately.

Tears fill my eyes, I can't.

He brings his arm closer, I catch a smell of it. It smells so good, I can't resist it. It's like my body moved on it's own. Before I know it i'm latched onto Julian's arm and I can't stop drinking.

5 minutes pass, I finish drinking. It tasted so good.

I hate myself for it.

I move back from Julian and I break down. I cry. My only piece of humanity has left me.

Julian holds me, like he always does in these situations. I try and push him away like I always do in these situations.

"Baby bat calm down." He says calmly.

"No! It's disgusting I can't believe I did that." I exclaim distraught.

"You can't keep clinging on to humanity, you're a vampire now. Vampires need blood to survive, YOU need blood to survive." He says.

I cry but I do come to a realisation. I am a vampire now, why am I clinging on to humanity when it gave me nothing good. I'm a vampire. I need blood. I shouldn't feel guilty about it. It's simply how it works. Humans kill and eat animals all the time.

I begin to calm down. Julian notices and repositions us, he lays down with me snuggled next to him with my head on his chest. I feel comfy, I feel safe, I feel protected.

I fall asleep.

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