Chapter 3

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We've been following her for a while, geez she lives really far.

"An orphanage?" Eli questions.

I look at where he is looking and see she is walking into the gates of a very run down orphanage, suddenly a wave of sadness and sympathy surges through me. That stops when i see something, a group of girls with malicious looks approaching her.

Elowynns POV
I'd been walking home for a while now, well to the orphanage its not much of a home, but thats beside the point.

I eventually made it back and walked into the gates. Suddenly I see the group of girls who constantly pick on me approach me, they were the ones that stole my allowance, they always do. I sigh.

"Hey ellie" one of the girls shout in a fake sickly sweet voice. I simply try to ignore them and walk past but one of them pushes me back.

"What do you want sasha?" I groan out in annoyance.

"I want to hit you" sasha states as she advances forward and punches me smack hard in the stomach, this causes me to hunch over and fall to the ground in pain. They all laugh. They always do. Another one of her minions steps forward and looks as if she's about to kick me. I brace myself for impact but it never comes.

Julians POV
Im livid as i see a bunch of worthless brats bullying my dau- Elowynn, the boys are just as livid.

I jump out of the car and advance while fuming. One of the brats is about to kick her whilst shes hunched over on the ground tch this isnt a fair fight. I walk over to the girls and angrily yell at them to stop whilst Jasper picks Elowynn up and carries her away from the scene.

I tell the girls to scram and then i head over to Elowynn and Jasper and the rest of the boys gather around her concerned.

Jasper isn't one for physical contact so it surprises me that first he was the one to carry her and second he seems so protective of her in his arms even from the rest of his brothers, they try getting closer and asking if shes alright and he's telling them to back up and give her space. She's the one.

Jasper's POV
I carry Elowynn away from the scene, i'm so angry. How could someone hurt someone as sweet and adorable as her. She's in too much pain to process what's happening right now, I don't think she knows I'm holding her. Suddenly my brothers advance towards us, this makes me feel a strong amount of protectiveness for her. She needs space, not a bunch of loud pigs pestering her. Tch. "Give her space" i state turning away from their touches with her in my arms. This is new, i've never experienced this before, this feeling, I want to protect her from all the troubles of the world, I wouldn't even mind a hug (he'd love it he js wont admit it) if it came from her and i hate touchy people. She's the one.

Elowynn's POV
Im in so much pain. Sasha, she punched me in the stomach. She always does. I can't fight back, I've tried but I'm out numbered every time. I have various bruises and scars from their beatings.

Suddenly I feel as if Im floating, what the hell? Am i flying? I am. Is this a dream? "Omg I'm flying" I laugh out loud, I then freeze. I realise I'm not flying, I'm in someone's arms my cheeks go red from embarrassment.

I suddenly feel the urge to vomit, she punched my gut hard. "Put me down i'm gonna throw up" I say urgently. Im set on my feet i then hunch over and throw up the fruit and 3 bites of croissant, what a waste. I look and I'm met with the concerned glances of the same guys from earlier. I stare at them confused. "Did you follow me? I knew i shouldn't have taken that food theres always a catch, look I'm sorry okay" I plead desperately.

The eldest one, Jasper, then speaks up "No thank you? We just saved your ass"

"I didn't need saving, i'm capable of handling myself plus I'm more concerned about the fact 5 creepy dudes are following me" I retort angrily.

Julian then speaks up "You're an orphan?" He asks completely ignoring my angry face. "No, i'm just going to the orphanage for fun, old man." I say laced with sarcasm.

Again I'm met with the stern father look, this guy is getting on my nerves with this, who does he think he is. "Yes, i'm an orphan. What does that have to do with you?" All the guys share a knowing look. Out of the corner of my eye I see one of the boys, Odin i think grab something out of the car. It all happens too quickly A cloth is placed over my face and darkness awaits.

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