Chapter 5

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We walked through the grand building, im pretty certain it's a castle of some sort. Everything is so pretty especially the stairway.

Wow these guys really are loaded, i should've ordered more food

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Wow these guys really are loaded, i should've ordered more food.

Eventually we made it to a large door, after entering i become aware that it is an office. Its really dark and intimidating, is he going to kill me?

"Sit" he says pointing to the chair in front of his desk, i sit and he sits on the other side

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"Sit" he says pointing to the chair in front of his desk, i sit and he sits on the other side. "We have a lot to discuss" he states.

"Firstly, where are you? You're in my manor, your new home. Why are you here? Well, we have been searching for the missing piece to this family for months now. The daughter i've always longed for and the little sister my boys have always longed for, so we decided to take you in. You're perfect, you are the missing piece, we all felt it the minute we met you so here you are. It's fate really, you're an orphan in need of a family and we're a family in need of you." Julian states calmly acting as if this was all normal.

I look at him bewildered, is this guy serious what the hell? He decided to kidnap me because he wants a daughter? Thats not how it works..

"Ok first of all you want a daughter so you decide to KIDNAP and DRUG me? That's not how it works its utterly insane and secondly I don't need taking in I'm 17, I'm a year away from being able to be independent, i survived the orphanage for 17 years whats one more." I exclaim angrily.

"Well you wouldn't have willingly came with me would you, dear?" Julian says. No shit sherlock you're a random ass man.

"No but that doesn't give you a reason to literally kidnap me? Thanks for being sooooo kiiiind (note the sarcasm) and offering to take me in but go pick another kid who needs it or have ur own, and preferably dont kidnap them." I say angrily once again.

Julian sighs

"Vampires cannot have children completely of their own I mean technically when they turn the child into a vampire it is their own child as their blood is interlinked but vampires cannot have babies in the way humans do it's impossible." Julian rambles on.

Ok now im freaking out, the red eyes the fangs the pale skin, it wasn't a costume.. ive only read about vampires in ancient history books- wait my skin also turned pale when i looked in the mirror he changed me??

Anger grows within me. "Let me get this straight. You kidnapped me and turned me into one of you blood sucking freaks without my permission because you expect me to act like ur daughter?" I seethe.

For some reason Julian seems angrier than me, which he shouldn't be considering i haven't done anything wrong, he slams his hands down on the table and stands as he shouts "Do not be so disrespectful to my kind, to OUR kind!"

His tone honestly makes me scared, my strong facade falls, i lean back in the seat in fear and look at him with a fearful face.

"Yes, i brought you here and turned you into a vampire, my daughter, my boys's sister. So what if it was without ur permission? It's what's best for you, I know what's best for you as your father. Besides, you were an orphan, what orphan doesn't want a family."

This angers me to the point where my scared shakes turned into anger shakes. "Don't you EVER say such things again. For one, you are not my father I am not your daughter and i never will be and for 2 don't act like you know me and what i want, because you don't." I yell at the top of my lungs.

Julian looks at me fuming and then he smirks, "But i am, dear. Our blood is intertwined, I am your father by blood now. If we were to do a DNA test it'd show our relation."

"Undo it, Now!" I suddenly demand

"It can not be undone, little bat" Julians smirk increases

At this point i'm seriously freaking out now, the realisation sunk in. Im in a castle full of vampire freaks, located god knows where with a creepy old intimidating man which i stand no chance against who thinks he is my father.

My breathing picks up, I begin panting unintentionally, my eyes swell up. It feels as though the walls are closing in.  "please". I beg repeatedly becoming more and more frightened.

"Calm down, little bat" Julian says concerned

But i can't calm down i'm freaking out. Julian gets up from his seat and walks towards me he wraps his arms around me. It would have been comforting if it was actually a father hugging his daughter and trying to calm her down. But its not. I freak out even more. "Dont TOUCH ME." I scream at the top of my lungs whilst hitting his chest, it doesnt do much, he just holds me tighter. I carry on hitting and screaming and crying. Suddenly i feel him lift me, I dont know where he's taking me as im too busy trying to attack him.

Im then placed on the bed in the room that I woke up in. Julian looks at me concerned "it seems you need some space to process things, I'll come back when you calm down" he then exits the room. Now I break down screaming and crying. What the fuck is happening?

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