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At least some good came out of my sleepless night; I could plan out the next day's meals my team had to prepare and serve while I was out rendezvousing with Craig. And since I awoke before the sun and got a head start on getting ready, there was time to show my face around the kitchen just so the four of them didn't think I abandoned ship.

"Well, butter my egg roll, look at you," Sandra remarked when I stepped through the door.

Like one man, Hamish, Maisie, and Bonnie looked up from their morning coffee and biscuits, their jaws dropping when they saw my attire.

"The boss cleans up nice," Maisie commented, nodding in approval. "Almost too nice for working in a kitchen." She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously, as though she could glare out the truth.

"Yeah, about that," I began, fighting the urge not to giggle like a lovesick teenager. "I know I haven't been around much since, well...but if it's alright with you, could you hold the fort for just one more day, please?"

"Wait," Bonnie's eyes widened when it hit her, "you're going on a date, aren't you? Those are the boots I told you to buy. And you've never worn them until today, so it has to be a special occasion."

Damn, sometimes I forgot she was as sharp as she was beautiful. That, and her unhealthy obsession with murder mysteries and serial killer podcasts had turned her brain into a hard drive. Nothing easily slipped her notice.

"Well, is it?" Hamish prompted me to elaborate. "A date?"

My mouth corners twitched and finally, I gave in to the urge to grin like a maniac. That was all reply they needed, and the next thing I knew, we had joined hands and were hopping on the balls of our feet together. Yes, even Hamish. As big and intimidating he appeared, the man was a sucker for mushy romance.

"Right," I said, composing myself after getting rid of most of the giddiness, "I'm feeling pancakes for breakfast. I'll help while I wait for Craig."


An hour later, two trays of pancakes were ready to be served. I ensured there were a variety of toppings for the Balfours and Graces to choose from. From freshly cut fruit to whipped cream to scrambled eggs to bacon to ice cream, and more.

There were at least ten ways of enjoying them, and I loved serving pancakes for that sole reason.

"Good mornin', everyone." All heads turned when Craig marched into the kitchen with a spring in his step.

My heart nearly leapt out of my chest at his appearance. He was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a pair of hiking boots, and a checkered green shirt which he had rolled up to his elbows – and to my pleasant surprise, I discovered he hid a few tattoos underneath those sleeves.

And to make matters worse for my raging pheromones, he left the top two buttons of his shirt unbuttoned, and I was graced with a glimpse of his chest and the dark hair dusting it.

I opened my mouth to return the greeting, but instead, it's Sandra's voice that followed, "Top o' the morning to you as well, good sir. May we inquire where you're taking our dear Nel this fine day?"

"That would be a surprise," Craig replied cheerfully, practically skipping towards me. "Now, if the four of ye would excuse us, I'll be stealin' yer boss for the day. Carry on!"

I stifled a yelp when he linked his arm with mine, tugging me towards the door. "Wait, I just have to –"

"You have to nothing," Maisie cut me off dismissively. "We'll man the ship. Now go, have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do."

Those words unsettled me. I'd rather not know the extent of what Maisie would and would not do, too afraid it would scar me for life. So, with no further protest, I turned my back on the kitchen and allowed Craig to escort me outside.

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