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My heart was racing as I waited outside the dining room, listening to the hum of voice coming from inside. Half an hour ago, I was overflowing with confidence, thinking I could conquer the world in this dress while, in truth, I was fighting every instinct that told me to retreat.

I hated that my first instinct always was to run. No wonder my father would rather have my cousin run the pack. Even if I could shift, inspiring a pack of werewolves to flee was not the method of leading I believed my father envisioned for his successor. But alas, running was safe. It has kept me alive thus far, so I relied on it.

But no running tonight.

Even if I could outrun the Balfours, I wouldn't make it far until I'd turn back for Craig. I've lost my chance at a mate once, and I'd be damned if I'd let it happen again.

Breathe, Nel.

Drawing a slow breath, I held it for a few seconds before letting it go...and opened the doors to the dining room.

The room was drowned in golden light coming from the great chandelier above, and the atmosphere warm and welcoming thanks to the fire blazing in the hearth. For the first time, I could appreciate the rustic appearance of the room. It honed its original mahogany floors, tapestries lining the stone walls, and golden candelabras kept the dark corners lit.

Once I've taken in the beauty of the room, my eyes locked on the table in the center of it. It was long enough to fit twenty people. At one head sat Rheon and to his right, Ash, and at the other head sat Emric and next to him, Rieka. Ash's family occupied one side of the table with her mother sitting beside her, followed by her father, sister, and aunt. And on the other side sat Clemmy, Blake, Victor, and Craig.

"Just in time." Rheon's voice interrupted whatever topic they were conversing about when he saw me entering the room.

All heads turned to me, but it was only one person's reaction I was interested in.

Craig froze halfway in the process of getting up to greet me, lips parted while his eyes drank me in. I smiled politely, while, truthfully, my heart was beating in my stomach and my face glowed beet red at his silent approval of my appearance.

"Craig." Victor hissed and shook his uncle's arm. "The chair. Pull out the chair for her."

Snapping out of his trance, Craig hurriedly pulled out my chair and waited patiently for me to sit down.

"Thanks," I muttered softly once I'm seated, leaning closer to him. "Do I look okay?"

"Ye look..." He had to swallow, the sound audible to my ears. " look...Queen's bollocks, I can't find th' words to say." Then, reaching for his glass of wine, he threw his head back, downed it all in one breath, and turned to me once more. "Like I always say, a drunk man's an honest man."

"Can werewolves get drunk?" I whispered, biting back a laugh at his state.

"No, but it'll still loosen m'tongue a wee better." Craig cleared his throat and then tried again, "Ye look beautiful, Nel."

My insides fluttered at the compliment as I drank in his appearance as well. "You don't look too bad yourself." True, he looked dashing in that dark green suit and plaid tie. He even combed his hair for once and trimmed his beard. Tonight, he looked every bit of noble as the rest of his family did.

Bonnie came out after a minute with her trolley, serving the guests the first course of the night. She paused abruptly when spotting me in this getup, and nearly dropped a bowl of potato soup on Ash's sister. No doubt she'll run back to the others to report what she saw.

Duke Charming | CraigOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz