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Ch. 60: You Will Burn

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Seraena raced towards the faerie king.

Cold wind ripped at her plait. The battlefield was an inferno below, a riot of clashing metal and screams, but she didn't look down. Kyllini's lifeless body was down there somewhere, and if she saw that right now...

Seraena's grip tightened on her knife.

She couldn't lose focus. Not even for a second.

Thoraine circled Stillwater Castle. The faerie king rained spears down on their weavers, pinning them like fish to a barrel. Seraena's eyes darted over the battlements. They couldn't fire on Thoraine from this angle; they'd risk hitting their own men. A knife was out of the question, too; the faerie king was too far, and even if they moved closer, his eyesight and aim was far better than her own. He'd pin them in seconds.


The element of surprise was all they had.

"What's the plan?" Kane asked.

His warm thighs pressed into her hips. Hellart let out a low growl, his yellow eyes fixed on the faerie king. The dragon looked ready to tear across the sky and set the entire world on fire.


"Get me closer," Seraena said. "From above."

Kane's face was wary. "Seraena."

She turned. "Do you trust me?"

His blue eyes were frozen stars. "I can't lose you."

"You won't." Seraena turned, her heartbeat pounding in her ears. "Stay close. I'll need you to catch me."

"This is insane," Kane muttered, but he did as she requested, steering them towards the castle walls. Seraena shifted into a crouch, twin knives clutched in her hands. Dizzying vertigo swept through her, but it was outweighed by the fire roaring in her veins. The faerie king drew closer. Closer.

"Now!" Kane roared.

She leapt from the dragon's back. Thoraine looked up as she landed on his white phoenix, her knives flying. The faerie king dropped his spear, catching her wrists with his hands. And fuck, was he strong; his thin fingers were steel bands around her arms. He batted one of her knives away as easily as a giant swatting a fly.

"Seraena Agnirian," Thoraine said, looking amused. "You're brave, but foolish. Nobody has bested me in centuries."

"Well," Seraena snarled. "Consider me honoured to be the first."

She kicked him in the chest. Thoraine flew back. The white phoenix screeched in protest, bucking and spinning in what was clearly an attempt to shake Seraena off. She gritted her teeth, clinging to the saddle as the world rotated in sickening spirals. Only years of training allowed her to keep her seat.

Fingers found her throat.

Seraena choked. The other knife was wrenched from her hand, cast into the burning sky. When her vision cleared, Thoraine was inches away from her, one hand wrapped around her windpipe.

"You will die," Thoraine said, and there was no malice in his voice. He said it like he was stating a fact from a textbook. "Just as your dragon did."

Seraena's rage doubled. "Not. Likely."

She thrashed against his iron grip, and Thoraine's face turned almost pitying. "Poor child. This world isn't meant for mortals like you." His fingers tightened. "I'll make it painless. You deserve that honour."

His fingers tightened. Black spots exploded in front of Seraena's eyes like shadowed stars. Her chest was on fire, and Seraena kicked out uselessly, her hands scrabbling at her throat. She could see Kane diving for her, but he'd never make it. Not at this rate.

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