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Ch. 21: Pain

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Anna jerked backwards.

Everett's grip tightened on her waist. The nobleman's sour breath was hot in her ear, and stubble scratched her cheek. She slammed an elbow backwards and he caught it, twisting her face until she was forced to look at him. His pupils were blown wide with dream somnium and something else. Something hungry.

"That's right," Everett murmured, stroking a thumb over her mouth. "I know exactly who you are, sweetheart. And you know what?" His nail dug into her bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood. "It doesn't fucking scare me."

Anna thrashed.

He was bigger than her, she realized; stronger, too. She scanned the room for weapons — her gaze skipping over the swan bed, a fluttering candle by the window, a selection of blindfolds — and came up short. She had a dagger in her left boot, but that was it. And anyway, she wouldn't be able to reach the dagger at this angle.

Which left only one option.

Anna closed her eyes, dragging her magic to the surface. Silver strands tumbled from her hands, slithering around Everett's ankles like writhing serpents. Everett raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I wouldn't bother, if I were you." The young nobleman sounded amused. "The dream somnium you put in my wine will counteract the effects."

Anna paused. "You're smarter than you look."

Everett chucked her on the chin. "Can't say the same for you, lamb."

The magic fell away. "I'm going to give you ten seconds to let go of me."

Everett snorted. "Cute."

"Eight," Anna said.

"The Queen of Shadows," Everett murmured, stroking his hand along her collarbone. "I always wondered how you'd taste." His mouth ghosted her neck. "Like sin, I'd expect."

Anna closed her eyes. "Five."

"You can struggle, if you'd like," Everett murmured. "I think I'd enjoy that." His teeth sunk into the tender skin where he'd bitten, making the wound sting. "Feel free to tell me exactly how much you'd like me to stop."

A flash of irritation filled her. "Three seconds. And I really don't want to make a mess."

"Oh, you can be as messy as you like," Everett said. "In fact—"

Anna slammed her head back.

Everett swore, clutching at his nose; red blood spilled down his face. He lurched out of the chair, grappling for her, and she kicked him in the stomach. He collided with the wall. A vase shattered, raining glass onto the carpet. Everett swore, steadying himself against the mantlepiece; there was murder in his eyes.

He launched at her with speed. Anna took the force of his weight, allowing it to propel them towards the bed. She twisted, pinning him beneath her, and he swiped a hand towards her face. Something sharp stung her face. Glass, Anna realized belatedly, her head spinning; he must have picked up a shard of glass from the mantlepiece.


Everett slashed out again, and she caught his hand this time, pinning it down. The gods must have been smiling on her because someone had already secured ropes to all four corners of the bed; Anna worked at the ties, her hands slick with sweat and blood.

She stepped back, wiping her palms on her dress. Everett thrashed like a fish caught in a net.

"You bitch," he seethed.

"Yeah." Anna sucked in air. "I get that a lot."

His eyes glittered. "I won't tell you anything."

"I admire your determination." Anna wiped at her face; her hand came away silver. "Your combat, not so much."

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