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Ch. 32: Did I Kill Him?

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The word was ripped from Seraena's throat. She was a blur of motion, jumping over tables, sending dishes clattering across the floor. But she was too late. She knew she was too late. There was no way she'd reach them in time; Septimus's knife was already flashing, and she was a dozen metres away.

Memories chased each other through her mind. Teagan making cinnamon swirls, her tongue poking out in concentration; Teagan chasing a terrified lizard through the garden; Teagan soaring on Kyllini's back, her grin threatening to split her face in half.

She was going to lose her. Just like she lost Mack and Alfie.

Something in her heart cracked open.

Seraena lunged forward. There was a blur of movement up ahead, followed by a cry of pain. And blood, Seraena thought, her heart lurching; she could see the red blood flooding on to the tile even from here.

No. No.

She closed the remaining distance. Septimus was bent forward, a hand pressed to his stomach. But Teagan. Where was Teagan? She couldn't see a body on the floor, couldn't catch sight of blonde plaits through the crowd—

"Seraena!" a voice called.

She turned.

Teagan hurtled towards here. Her small face was white, and she was holding a bloody dagger. Crushing relief filled Seraena, so hard and fast that tears sprung to her eyes. She held out her arms and Teagan collided with her, burrowing into her chest.

"It's okay," Seraena murmured, stroking her hair. "I've got you. You're safe now."

Teagan trembled. "I had to... I..."

"I know." Seraena kissed the top of her hair. "You were only defending yourself, okay?

"Did I...?" Teagan's voice broke. "Did I kill him?"

Seraena looked up. Septimus lay on his back, his glassy eyes facing up towards the ceiling. His chest wasn't moving.

"No," Seraena lied. "He'll be okay."

"Raena!" Kane cried.

He appeared out of the din. A bruise swelled on his cheekbone, and his shirt was torn at the shoulder. All around them, the wet sound of metal striking flesh filled the room; courtiers screamed, crawling towards the exits. Seraena watched — frozen — as someone put a sword through a familiar-looking older man's back. Councillors, she realized numbly; they were attacking her council members.

The bastards were trying to overthrow her court.

"Stars," Kane breathed. "Are you both alright?"

He gripped their shoulders, inspecting them for damage. Seraena nudged Teagan towards him. "Find Hellart. Get her out of here."

Kane's face hardened. "I'm not leaving you."

"And I'm not asking," Seraena said.

Their eyes met, a fierce clash of amber and blue. Kane relented first, placing a hand on Teagan's shoulder. "I'll come back."

"Good," Seraena said. "You'll miss out on all the fun, otherwise."

Kane cupped her face. "I love you."

Seraena swallowed past a lump. She tried to memorize his mouth. His freckles. The way one eyebrow was slightly thicker than the other. "I love you, too." She knelt down, taking Teagan's face into her hands. "Be brave, drakaina. You're stronger than you think."

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