Chapter 22 : Astria's First Lesson

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It has been two days since my duel. Yesterday, the Duke assigned Sarah, my tutor to teach Astria along with me so she finds it easy to adjust to this lifestyle.

It is now morning and me and Astria are waiting for Teacher Sarah to arrive.

"Good Morning Lady Eleanor and Lady Astria, I wish to congratulate you both for awakening your magic and am proud to teach students who have such a potential." Miss Sarah says as she enters the study room.

"Greetings to you too, teacher." I say as I gently bow, while Astria looks confused about what to do.

Sarah just chuckles at her expression as she says, "Looks like you will be in need of learning a lot about mannerism and other subjects, Lady Astria."

Astria gives her an apologetic smile as she then sits besides us.

Then Miss Sarah gives me another book on advanced politics and asks me to study a few chapters and that she will question me about it after sometime. In the past years I have already completed the books most nobles do by the age of 17 so Miss Sarah now only gives me advanced level books. 

She herself is a scholar so she is qualified enough to teach me. I am now also very good at embroidery, better than most ladies so we only embroider for fun nowadays.

Then she moves to Astria.

"Lady Astria, I would like to ask you what you wish to learn before? As per me we can either start with table manners and then we can move to flower arranging, embroidery or other skills. Or after learning basic manners we can also start with writing practice and academic subjects so that you will be able to advance in it like your sister." she says politely as she waits for Astria to answer

"You can choose for me, teacher. We can start with table manners as you said. But I also want to learn the same things that my sister is good at." she says.

Sarah looks a bit dumbfounded at her reply.

Well anyone would give that expression, the way Astria says that she wants to learn the same things as me shows as if she wants to compete against me. 

But why would she want to do so?

"Of course Lady Astria, but I would like to ask why you want to learn the same things that Lady Eleanor is good at?" she asks

Astria gives her a smile as she says, "I just want to spend more time with her and it will help us to bond well if we are good at the same things."

"You do not need to have to study the subjects I have interest in to bond with me, Astria, as we will always have a good relationship. So please choose subjects which you like!" I say politely

"But Sister, I really want to learn things that you like to do as I want to get to know more of you!" she says

"Lady Astria, you are very kind. You can start with anything then, because Lady Eleanor is good at every subject I mentioned. Though she has a particular interest towards embroidery and academic subjects, which are a little advanced for you as for now, so you can start with whatever you wish and soon you will be able to catch up!" Miss Sarah exclaims

Astria smiles again but I feel that it is not the emotion she really is feeling right now.

Well maybe she is jealous, but mostly I am just overthinking it.

They both start with table manners as I start reading the book Teacher Sarah gave me. It was written by the 10th Empress of the empire who was known for her skills in politics and helped extend its territory. She was however murdered by her husband, the Emperor, because he thought that she was getting too powerful and was going to rebel against him.

"What a tragic story"-I think as I start reading it.

Milli brings in tea for us in the middle of the lesson, and she gives Astria some extra sweets as I signal her because she seems to be struggling. She just smiles at Milli for her kind gesture.

I turn my attention back to the book.

Before I know it the lesson is about to be finished, and Teacher Sarah questions me about the book as I answer them all correctly. 

Also, she ended up teaching manners to Astria the whole lesson because she had very little knowledge about it. We both thank her as she leaves.

"So how was your first lesson?" I ask her but she just ignores me and leaves

Maybe she was tired?

I just ignore it and move to my room as Orion is waiting for me for training.

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