Chapter 8 : Forming Bonds

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It was evening, Alexander had just returned from his training.

"Good Evening brother!" I greeted him as I bowed, "How was your training?" I asked

"Why do you even care?" he replied, "and if you are here to ask me to apologize, let me tell you now that it is not going to happen, not after what all you have done to me"

"No brother, I had not come to ask you to apologize, I know that I am not worthy of it. I also know that you will not forgive me so easily, but I wanted to give you these books as a present hoping that it will strengthen our relationship. They are of your interest of course, and I look forward to having a better sibling relationship between us. Lastly, I wish to apologize again for my misconducts."

He looked shocked, I hope he won't drop the books. Hmph..he would be wondering how I knew he was interested in History, looks like he will never know.

I bowed again, taking my leave respectfully.


She got me books, is she trying to bribe me?

I don't understand this, why is she suddenly trying to act nice all of a sudden!!

But maybe she has really realized her mistakes? But she has never treated me so respectfully. I hope this is not some prank.

Wait, she got me History books! How did she even know I was interested in it! In fact she brought books on those topics that were not available in the library.

I know that she has been spending her days there but I did not know she would be knowledgeable enough to figure it out.

Maybe I have always misjudged her? But she has really changed since her 'little swim' in the lake.

Something is really wrong with her, but it is in a 'good' way. Should I forgive her?


It was night time, and I was taking a stroll around our estate's garden. Why you ask? Because it is so beautiful! As a lawyer, I never had enough time to travel to places and have fun. But after reincarnating as a Duke's daughter, I have enough time to fulfill my wishes.

As I was thinking about all this and admiring nature, I suddenly heard a small cry, like that of a child. It was coming from behind the bushes of berries.

I looked behind it to see a younger boy, nearly the same age as me crying. When I asked him why he was crying he just pointed his hand to his knee, which was bleeding.

I quickly asked Milli to bring me a first aid box, and she responded immediately.

I was in the middle of bandaging his injury when I heard a voice coming our way.

"Oliver, where are you dear? Oh my gosh! I am so sorry Miss! Please forgive this boy for troubling you! He must have not meant it." she said as her voice trembled a bit.

Looks like she was scared of me. But I continued bandaging his knee and asked

"Is this your Child? You do not need to worry, he had just hurt his knee. He has not troubled me. I was just trying to treat his injury." I said as I finished bandaging him up.

Then I saw his handkerchief was beside him and inside were some berries which he was plucking from the bushes.

"Milli, can you please bring one of the blueberry pies the chef had made today?" I requested

And in a flash Milli had brought one of the pies wrapped in a cloth.

"Please take this" I asked the boy, "hope it will brighten your mood from this injury" I said.

"Do not move the knee much, I hope it will get well soon!" I replied in a cheery tone

The boy, Oliver was shocked and the maid was in tears.

"Oh thank you so much Miss! Miss it is so kind of you to help my child! We will always be grateful to you." the maid said as she helped Oliver stand up.

"It's okay I did not do something big. He was hurt and I couldn't have just left him there alone. I hope his pain will slowly go away."

"Thank you" replied the boy as he blushed. Hmm...looks like he was very shy.

I smiled at him.

They both then left and I also decided to leave and walked back to my room with Milli.

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