Chapter 10 : Magic Awakened

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My eyes move to where the sound came from, and I see a bird sitting in front of me.

It is white coloured but has shades of electric blue color at its wings. It is so beautiful looking, I am mesmerized by its beauty.

"HELLO??! I am greeting you and you didn't even reply? What kind of master are you!"

I was startled by this. How come an angelic looking bird has such an attitude! It's so rude!

"Hey I can hear your thoughts, you know!, and I am not an 'it', you can use 'he' instead.

You are the one who did not greet me, and you say I am rude?" it, I mean 'he' exclaims.

"Better" he says

"I..I am sorry, uhm hello to you too I guess?"

Wait, I should greet him more respectfully

"My name is Eleanor Stanford" I say as I bow to him respectfully, "I am the daughter of Duke Stanford and 6 years old."

"Okay" he says casually

"You have to name me to finally complete this ceremony" he says

"What?" I ask "You did not have a name? And what type of bird are you?"

"Seriously, you humans are fools! I am a nebulasky you idiot! It is a mythical bird not found in this region. And you have to name me to awaken your magic! And I want a good name." he says

I am angry. Did a small bird just call me a fool?! Wait, he can hear my thoughts...shit.

And suddenly I feel a slap of a wing on my head.

"Ok, ok " I say, "can you please stop hearing my thoughts for a second so I can think of a nice name without getting disturbed?" I ask pleadingly

He reluctantly agrees somehow...good.

I am not going to name him 'Indigo' or some other color like how a stupid heroine would do.

Suddenly an idea comes in my mind and I ask him,

"How about Orion?" I ask

Orion, like Sirius Orion Black, well you can't help it, I was a Harry Potter fan.

He nods as his feathers start glowing electric blue and he flies above my head as he says,

"You, Eleanor Stanford have now awakened teleportation, force field and Ice magic"

What! ICE MAGIC THE EPIC TYPE MAGIC! I never had Ice Magic! Is it because of the other type of ceremony I used? And I am a TRI-USER! It is not common!

Suddenly I start feeling really weak.

"You will feel weak because you have just awakened your magic so calm down and rest" Orion says.

I thank the souls for awakening my magic.

Then I quickly erase the circle and put the carpet back. I am nearly on the verge of having a black out as I fall on the bed and let the darkness overtake me for the night.

Next Morning

"Miss! Miss, wake up!" I hear the voice of Milli as she tries to wake me up

I suddenly jolted up at the thought of Milli finding Orion and everyone knowing what I have done.

I open my eyes to see Orion sitting on my side but Milli does not seem to notice him.

"She can neither see me nor hear me." I hear Orion saying, "But if you wish I can reveal my physical form to her" he says

"NO!" I panic in my mind as he just smirks. What a brat!

"Well get ready now cause your comment just turned your training to be more harsher from now on!" he says as I shudder.

Then Milli rushes me to the bathroom and I get ready for the day. I do feel a bit weak but also feel more powerful and refreshed.

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