Developing feelings

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Walking up to my room felt like forever. Our walk to upstairs was silent with us, taking glances at each other between times.

After what felt like an eternity. We reached outside my room and as i was about to open the door, a hand held me back.

A strong, mascular, veiny one. I looked back at the hand and then at the person....

"J-ji?" I stuttered, feeling a mix of sensations run through me.

His touch did something to me, something unusual, something soothing as I felt myself drawn towards him, More each passing second.

"Can we talk? Alone." He said and by now my heart was racing at a speed of a train.

On his words, my mind drifted to all the possible talk, he wants to have with me. Not questioning him, I nodded my head, agreeing to him and walked towards the terrace with him following behind me.

 Not questioning him, I nodded my head, agreeing to him and walked towards the terrace with him following behind me

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           (Imagine the terrace)

We reached at the terrace as I signaled him to sit on the couch, passing him a cup of fresh tea, I sat besides him.

While all this time, from making the tea to pouring it in the cup to passing him the cup and to sitting beside him, his eyes were stuck on me, while I tried my best to not meet his eyes and I knew that if I did I'll loose my senses.

I sat down, fianlly looking up to meet with his gaze. His orbs held a different kind of place in my heart melting me, while I tried to stable my rushing heart beats. It was being difficult for me each passing second.

I gulped, looking away. Not being able to look into his eyes anymore.

"You wanted to talk about something?" I reminded him and he nodded his head in a yes not moving his eyes from mine at all.

"Actually I wanted to ask you something!" He cleared. I nodded my head giving him a heads up to ask whatever he wanted to ask me.

"Are you happy with this marriage?" He asked, the very next moment.

I felt the world around me stop and my mind becoming adrift.

I cleared my throat, smiling I nodded my head in a yes, "I can't say happy, yet. But I can say that my decision of agreeing to this marriage was not a bad decision," He quietly listened to me understanding my each word and the emotions they held.

I chuckled, "you know. I've always seen mumma and papa loving each other like a ideal couple should. And I would say that they're the reason for my high hopes in marriage and in love!" I confessed to him.

He smiled at my words. "Araavi," He said moving close towards me as my eyes met his, and in a swift movement his hand was holding mine.

As our hands touched, my body felt a electrifying feeling inside. Making me shiver. He looked at me asking me if I was comfortable with him holding my hand or not, and I said yes.

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