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*Troy's POV*

Father forgive me for I just sat in your house hung over as hell due to the fact that I may have drank a little too much last night.

Sam, Q, Lach and I are all regretting it, Sarah and Ella sat in the pew with us trying not to laugh during the sermon, and then afterward, these sons of bitches left me with Ella and Sarah to go to the Hunnies N Heels studio so they could go take a nap before we go get lunch.

Mother fuckers.

"Ladies." I sighed as they left us. "Since the location is in walking distance, would you like to stop for coffee first?"

"You're the best little brother ever." Sarah smiled.

"Yeah, I'm a peach." I held both my arms out.

They tucked their arms in mine, and we started our walk to Fredricks.

"Alright T." Ella cleared her throat. "What is it about this girl?"

I sighed. "I don't know." I shook my head. "Just, the opener, and her actually voicing herself so loud that I could hear, and then that blinding ass smile, her eyes are unnaturally blue. I mean obviously she's gorgeous, I couldn't get that girl out of my head for months, and now that I found her, and I'm hearing people talk about her, learning all these things that I have so far, I just want to learn more. There's just something about her."

"Her energy." Sarah nodded. "Like, watching that girl dance, her TikTok's, she like, exudes confidence, and it's amazing seeing someone as young as her accomplish so much."

"Exactly." I looked down at her. "I had no clue she was a co-owner of this major dance company. And I found out Friday that she not only has 2 brothers, but a sister who just turned 1. And she can draw like hell."

"So, we're not just going here for the hell of it then? She's interested? Have you asked her on a date?" Ella smiled.

"I have."

"And she said?" They both raised their eyebrows.

"No." I pursed my lips. "But she agreed to give it more time to think about it, and that she would text me or call me to let me know. She's got my number, I've got her snap. So, it's a step."

"She turned you down?" Sarah's jaw dropped.

"She doesn't want to be more in the public eye than she already is, and turns out, she for some reason has sworn off hockey players." I sighed.

"Oh boy. This isn't for the chase is it?" Ella shook her head.

"No. It's for the eyes that have been invading my head for 6 months."

"Y'alls height difference is about to be off the rocker. All 6'2 of you, and all 5'0 nothing of her." She laughed.

"Is she really only 5'0?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Troy, it's going to look like you're walking around with a toddler, you have a full face of hair, you're jacked, and you're tall as hell. She looked a hell of a lot younger than you."

"Well, she's 19. Yeah she's going to look younger than me." I sighed. "Is the age difference weird?"

"Well, that's up to her T." Ella wrapped her arms around my waist. Some girls like older guys."

"Let's hope she's one." I nodded as we walked in to Fredricks.

Now, I wish it wouldn't have been packed, simply for the fact that I also like to grab food and drinks in peace, but there were so many young fans in here that I ended up taking pictures and doing autographs for a solid 30 minutes when finally, we got to the counter.

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