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*Kaylin's POV*

"I've got to say, I love the new choreography." Violet smiled.

It is currently Saturday morning, Lizzy and I are at the studio with the go-go dancers, like I was talking about, we just ran through all new moves and dances for them, and honestly, if I didn't have all the shit on my plate that I do, I would definitely be working with them.

"I feel like the simple stuff is much more go-go, and much sexier." Lizzy nodded.

"Oh it definitely is, and you guys new outfits, you'll be able to see all the movement." I smiled.

"And let me just say." Natalie wrapped her arms around Lizzy. "So so happy you're here. We missed you."

"Now we just have to get Kin up here, and we'll have all of our Hunnies home." Payton smiled.

"How is Rin, but the way?" Natalie smiled.

"She is amazing." Lizzy smiled. "It's so hard to believe she'll be 2 in a few months, it feels like she was just born."

"And how's Frankie?" Layla looked at me.

"Gorgeous. She just turned 1 last month and it baffles me how time has flown by." I nodded.

"I still can't believe your dad is married, and that Mama Kim is getting married." Payton nodded.

"Delaney is like, a blessing in disguise. And Ron is awesome for Kim."

"And, I'm getting another brother." Lizzy snapped her fingers.

"Ok, so, Luke, is dating Colby. Kinley, is marrying Grant and has Rin. Ron is Mama Kim's man, who has Mac, and Mac is dating, Haylie?" Violet scrunched her face.

"Yes." I pointed at her. "And she is dating Monty. Josh, is dating Kenzie. Polly is not dating anyone. Heidie is marrying Braxton. Austin is dating Chantel. Jamie is –"

"Single. Please say single." Payton laughed.

"Yes." I laughed.

"And, you are sleeping with Maverick, and Brayden, and Nolan." Natalie winked.

"Ok, don't say it like that." I shook my head.

"Well, she's not wrong." Lizzy shrugged.

"Oh honey, no judgement. If I had the opportunity, I'd be fucking Brayden too." Layla nodded.

"You're more than welcome." I laughed.

"But the question is, what about Nolan?" Natalie pursed her lips.

And like some sort of hocus pocus, my phone started lighting up with a facetime from him.

"Speaking of." I picked up my phone off the floor and answered. "Were your spidey senses tingling." I smiled.

"Why, talking about me?" He smirked.

"Sort of." I laughed. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to call you, you didn't text me back last night."

"Oh god, I'm sorry." I sighed. "Dinner with Jamie exhausted me, so we just came home, joined everyone in the trolls marathon and I passed out."

"Who all came this time?" He sat up in his computer chair.

"Jamie, Mont, Lizzy and Mav. With Lizzy and the Dahli Dolls right now because we went over everything for tonight." I nodded.

"Oh that's right, the club appearance. Hey ladies!" He yelled.

"Hi Nolan." They all laughed.

"Everyone going out with you guys tonight?" He raised his eyebrows.

"The normal. Mads is going to Grandma and Grandpas. So me, Lizzy, Jame, Mont, Maverick, Axel and Brayden."

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