Chapter Two

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The moon cast its silver glow upon the cityscape.

I stood by the expansive windows that stretched floor to ceiling, offering scenic views of the buildings below. From the vantage point of my penthouse, the city's energy was palpable.

It had been years since I last called Pittsburgh home—ever since I moved out of state to attend medical school. The city had changed in my absence; it evolved and grew just as I did.

Moving back, there was both the feeling of nostalgia and excitement. I even went to my favorite café—a spot I had often visited. A teenage girl was working there now.

I glanced around my room, at all the cardboard boxes I had yet to unpack. There was only a bed and a decorative plant in the corner.

The place was quite empty, but I found that if I slapped a 'minimalism' label on it, people tended to become very impressed.

The oakwood door suddenly swung open, revealing Elias. His tousled golden blonde hair and sapphire blue eyes caught the lights with a luminous sheen.

"What are you doing here, mate?" He asked. "We're missing you at the party!"

"Not in the mood," I scowled. 

"Oh come on," he groaned. "I figured we should give you a proper welcome! Hence the surprise party."

It wasn't a smart move to give this dickhead the keys to my penthouse, because I returned from a busy shift only to see the entire rooftop like a zoo. 

Deep down though, I did appreciate the gesture. I knew he worked hard to plan the entire thing.

Elias and I have been friends since elementary school, and now we even work at the same hospital together. 

I checked my watch. "Fine. I suppose I could spare some time."

"Bro, could you at least act more excited? Because right now you seem like someone who would rather watch paint dry."

"Do you want me to go or not?"

"Okay, okay! Let's go," he said, angling his sentence over his shoulder, prompting me to follow.

As I ascended the staircase to the rooftop, the thump of music grew louder with each step.

Neon lights were flashing and the air was thick with the scent of alcohol. People were everywhere—chatting in the hot tub, swaying to the beat, and hogging the food bar.

It was going to be a long night.



Ahh this story just got one hundred reads! Thank you so much - I'm so grateful that you're here! 

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