Chapter 11: Bullies

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Alison's POV

By Monday morning, I'm practically jumping off the walls with excitement. I've never been so ready to go to school. 

I spent all day yesterday supervising the twins moving my things from Cameron's room to mine and then organizing it all. I had wanted to be all caught up on my work before going back to school but even Chris didn't want me to dive in until Monday. Something about needing to be settled in. 

It doesn't matter. I'll be caught up in no time anyway. Homework has always taken me almost no time at all and now I have all the time in the world. So much time that Amelia and I were able to spend pretty much all of Sunday organizing the many things the twins think I need into my new room. 

I even decided to wear one of my new outfits today. If everyone is going to think of me as Luna, then I might as well look the part. Jeans so new they're still stiff and some kind of designer fall sweater seems to do the trick. We talked about pairing it with one of my new pairs of boots but when I went into my closet this morning, I couldn't bring myself to pick anything over my old converse. 

Breakfast goes by as usual. Other than Cameron brooding, that is. I barely saw him yesterday so it's fair to assume that he's still not supportive of the whole school thing. If it weren't for knowing that Chris updated him everytime he checked in on me then I would be worried. 

I don't know what he's so upset about. It's only school, not World War II. He's worried that school will stress me into accidently using my magic, which I seem to be in control of, by the way. But school has always been one of the least stressful places for me to be. 

Obviously, everything is different now. However, the main difference in my life seems to be that everyone wants to make me happy. Doesn't really seem like there's much to worry about there. 

Chris must not see the problem with it either because he looks to be in a good mood this morning. He's actually been all smiles since Saturday. Gaining some ground with me must be enough for him to push past having to wake up early again. 

To be clear, neither of them are being forced to go with me. I told them plenty of times that I would be fine going alone. I've done lots of things alone. I still hold china doll status with them though. Even Nessa is getting tired of being coddled. 

'They're just so adorable that I don't understand why they have to be so annoying.' Nessa's voice pipes into my thoughts. 

I try to hide the growing smirk on my face, looking down at my breakfast for a distraction. Finally, someone can see exactly where I am coming from. It's not as much of a burden to her as it is me but it is mildly irritating her which is nice. 

Camerons mood persists as we climb into the car. But even when he disagrees with me, he checks my seatbelt before putting the car in drive. I've always wanted to learn how to drive. There is a very small chance that will happen now though. Not only will I never need to know how to drive now, but those two worry about my safety in the passenger seat. I can only imagine that it would be ten times worse if it wasn't one of them in control of the huge hunk of metal flying down asphalt. 

Damn control freaks. 

The bell rings as we pull into the parking lot. The sound startles me as I look to the clock. I've never been able to hear it from outside the building before. My ears must be improving with Nessa's presence. 

It's a joyous moment for me. Not so much for Cameron when he watches me jump in my seat. There's a look on his face that just screams 'are you sure I'm not right?'

My eyes lock with his in a battle of wills. It takes several moments for him to give up, sighing as he looks away. I grin at my victory and turn to open my door. A hand on my arm stops me in my tracks. 

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