Chapter 3: Injuries

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Alison's POV

The ride to the pack doctor is filled with awkward silence. I sit in the passenger seat while Cameron drives. I would have usually walked but it was insisted upon that I'm too weak, so we're driving. Cameron's hand rests on my thigh, doing his best to keep me calm despite my inability to feel any sparks when he touches me.

When we come to a stop in the small parking lot, Chris jumps out of the back and opens my door for me, offering me his hand to help me down from the tall truck. I ignore his hand and jump down myself. His gaze follows me around the car to meet Cameron.

People litter the waiting room of the doctors office. There are some families and some people alone. All of them look up when we walk in. They stare at their alphas walking with a lowly omega that they've never paid attention to before. The longer they stare, the more uncomfortable I become. We eventually reach the front desk where a chipper looking blonde greets us.

"Hi," Cameron speaks up. "Please let Dr. Braylie know that the alphas and luna are here to see her." The blondes eyes widen significantly. No one knows that the twins have found their mate yet. I wonder if they even told their parents.

"Of course, Alpha." The receptionist nods her head and stands up. "I'll show you to a room where you can wait." We follow her through a door, down a hallway, and into an exam room. "Dr. Braylie will be right in to see you." She disappears behind the exam room door, leaving us in more awkward silence.

I look around the room, examining all the medical machinery and tools. It's been years since I've been to the doctor. Most werewolves only go once a year anyway, just for a check up. There was never anything wrong with me that I deemed bad enough to spend the money on a doctors appointment.

"You can sit on the exam table, Baby." Cameron tells me, seemingly sensing that I have no idea what to do. I listen to him and hop up on the table. Everything feels a little smaller from up here.

It's not long before there's a knock on the door and a middle aged woman in a white coat and scrubs walks in. "Hello, boys. Hello, Luna." She greets.

"Hi, Aunt Lydia." The twins respond simultaneously. Slight shock stills my brain. I didn't know Luna Ashlee or Alpha Wesley had a sister in the pack. Cameron sees the confused look on my face. "She's our moms best friend." He explains.

"Since we were children." Dr. Braylie adds on. "So, not that I don't enjoy your visits, but what can I do for you guys today." She asks, looking over to me.

The twins look at each other, trying to decide who is going to explain. "We're here cause of me." I answer instead. "They think I'm dying." I summarize the twins concerns.

"Ah. I see. Alphas are usually more overprotective than the average werewolf but, let's see what's going on." Dr. Braylie says, approaching me with her stethoscope.

"She's not dying." Cameron says.

"She better not be." Chris interjects.

"But she hasn't eaten right in a long time and she's really overworked." Cameron continues. I open my mouth to disagree but Cameron sees and beats me to it. "She says she's fine but her wolf isn't there so that's obviously not true."

Dr. Braylie stops what she's doing to look up at me. "How long has your wolf been quiet?" She asks with concern lacing her voice.

"Um, she stopped talking four years ago but I could still feel her until about a year ago." I explained. "But I'm fine. I feel fine."

"You're not fine." Dr. Braylie says, earning me 'I told you so' looks from the twins. "I still need to finish my exam but that information alone tells me that you are not fine. Let's get your weight real quick." She says and gestures to the scale. I hop down and step on the scale. "Ninety-nine pounds." Dr. Braylie says a moment later.

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