Chapter 9: Lies

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Alison's POV

Nothing ever goes my way. Well, that's not always completely true, but this time it is. I told them that I'm fine. 

But noooooo, apparently even when good things happen, I have to get checked by the doctor. Four phone calls just wasn't enough to settle the twins nerves about my health. So here we are, right back in the doctor's office. 

I almost had them too. Cameron had to call the doctor one more time before bed to be sure but he was actually confident in my health. Then I woke up every other hour with strange dreams and by morning we were both tired and he was unconvinced. 

That, coupled with Chris never really being on board with me skipping doctors appointments, equals me sitting on an exam table first thing in the morning. At some point they are just going to have to get over being so ridiculously cautious of my health. I bet this is just to keep us from going back to school on Monday. 

I should've known they weren't really gonna let that happen. Anything to keep me glued to their sides all day everyday. 

The dreams weren't even disturbing or scary. They were just strange. All I can remember are blurs. Nothing is clear, not because I can't remember but because the dreams themselves were blurry blobs of color and muffled sound. 

Personally, I'm not worried about it. It was probably just my body reacting to having all sorts of magic mixing around. I've never been a werewolf and a witch at the same time before, at least not in any way that I ever knew about. 

"So," Dr. Braylie says as she opens the door, "I hear you had some dreams?" 

My eyes roll as I turn my head to look at the twins. "Of course you did." I mutter under my breath. 

The doctor smirks at my comment as she sits on her rolly stool. She has to know that this is a huge waste of her time. The only reason she's even seeing us right now is because they're alphas. If I wasn't the future luna then nobody would even care about me. 

"Well, I'm not surprised that you're being woken up by dreams. You've been through a lot mentally and emotionally. They should stop or lessen over time." she says, standing up and smiling simply at my mates. "I'm with the Luna on this one, you guys didn't need to come here." 

I grin smugly as I look back at my mates, raising my eyebrows. If I could mindlink, I'd tell them 'I told you so.' Unfortunately, Cameron tried to show me last night and it didn't work. Good thing the doctor already told him not to worry about it on the phone last night. Like everything else, it will get better in time. 

Chris clears his throat, pulling the rooms attention to him. "Aunt Lydia, do you know anything about witches?" 

I could kick him. Enough people already know about this thing that we were supposed to be keeping quiet. He didn't exactly tell her but she's a smart woman. She'll figure it out. Then, she'll be the fourth person to find out in the last week. Maybe I shouldn't have let the twins tell their friends. 

"Uh, not much, no. I'm a wolf doctor. What I do know is probably outdated information since it's been 20 years since anyone's seen a witch. Why do you ask?" Dr. Braylie answers, her expression thoughtful as she glances at me. 

Chris looks to Cameron for what to do next. They look at eachother for several seconds, probably mindlinking. Envy twinges in my chest, it would be nice if I knew what they were discussing. 

Cameron sighs, looking back to the doctor, "We recently found out that Alison's mom was a witch. Her magic was bound but now that her wolf is back, so is her magic." 

There it is. I really thought he was going to make his brother get us out of this, especially since he got us into it, but instead he just laid it out on the table. Like a fucking blabbermouth. 

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