Chapter 7

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Huh, finally found it so this is her house.
I can't believe I am finally going on a date with her, but why are my legs shaking? Am I really getting nervous for the first time in my life?
Even those stupid exams couldn't make me sweat like this but this is Amber, just the thought of her can make me tremble.

My fingers were trembling to press the doorbell. After a few seconds of deep breaths I mustered up the courage. "Alright, here goes nothing", I thought to myself as I finally rang it.
I started to suspect Sasha might have given me the wrong address as I waited outside the door for a while without any response. The silence was deafening, and there's not even a hint of anyone's presence. I began to wonder if maybe Sasha did give me the wrong address, or if I've somehow gotten it mixed up in my head. Still, there weren't many houses in this area anyway, so maybe I should go ask someone else nearby.

As I was just about to leave, I heard a sound and the door suddenly opened. My heart began pounding as I caught a glance of Amber, her bright face frozen in surprise. The moment felt suspended, as if time has slowed to a standstill. We stood there as stone, locked in a gaze, neither of us willing to break the connection; all I could think about was how beautiful she looked.

"Sorry! I kept you waiting", she said in a low, faint voice

"No worries, I just got here."

She stood there for a moment, our eyes meeting and exchanging glances. Her eyes looked at me curiously then turned away quickly. She said nothing for a few seconds, as a hint of nervousness played on her face.

As the awkwardness between us grew, I tried to think of something to say, but my mind seemed stuck. I finally handed her the bouquet of flowers I was holding behind my back.

She took them gently and said, "White tulips? How do you know I like them?"

"Well I didn't know you like white tulips" I swallowed my nerves and said, "They just reminded me of you, like you're just as pretty as them."

Her eyes looked down as she blushed

"Let's go, we're getting late for the movie."

I quickly opened the car door for her. "after you."

She gave a little smile as she entered the car. I sat down and saw her eyes looking down at the ground.
Hmm she's a little nervous too. This was making things interesting. I thought to do something fun
I moved closer to her. I could see she was breathing heavily. I brought my hand closer to her neck. She looked away towards the window while I grabbed belt and said, "let me fix this for you."
It felt like she was intimidated by our closeness. As I was adjusting the seat belt, she looked at me. I glanced at her and she blushed and moved her head again with a cute little smile spreading over her face. It's like she was shy but also happy to be close to me.

We finally arrived at the movie theatre and during the whole ride Amber was silent but she was holding the bouquet of tulips and smelling them while also staring at me at times. I could tell she was holding back but there were moments when I caught her glancing at me out of the corner of my eye.

"Alright we're here", I said as we got out of the car. I offered my hand to help her out.
She looked at my forearms for a second then she quickly took it.
And I couldn't believe it, we held hands together for the first time. It was like a dream come true.

Suddenly she spoke in confusion,"Wait, don't we have to buy tickets first?"

"Nahh I already booked tickets online, the night I asked you for a date. Can you see the two seats in the left corner of the last row? Those are ours."

Amber nodded her head as If she was impressed. Everything was going according to my plan.
The movie started and we both settled in our seats.

As she was watching the movie, all I could do was stare at her. Her hair, her eyes, her lips, her jawline, her neck..... everything seemed like a work of art. The entire time, I couldn't take my eyes off her- she was simply out of this world.

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