Chapter 5

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I couldn't stop thinking about my conversations with Amber the previous night.
The chat had been fun and flirty, and seemed to flow naturally between us.
I thought she might be shy since we were chatting for the first time,
but she seemed comfortable and open.

All I could think about now was waiting for Sasha to return home from her university and spill what Amber told her about me.
But it been so long already, she should've been back by now.
Maybe she was on the phone with her boyfriend, Jake Nicholson.

Finally, the door bell rang and Sasha entered the house.
"Hey, so about Amber..."
I was getting impatient and wanted to hear what she said so badly.

"Just wait, let me get changed first."

I felt my heartbeat accelerate from the excitement. I couldn't wait any longer to hear what she had to say.

As I sat there waiting to hear what Amber had said about me, Sasha came running down the stairs with an excited look on her face and a subtle mischievous grin.
She sat down beside me and I couldn't help but notice how wide her eyes were.

"So, what did she say?", I asked, breathing heavily

Sasha laughed and played coy, "But isn't it a secret between Amber and me? She said not to reveal anything between us."

"I don't care," I replied impatiently, "Just spill the beans already."

Sasha let out another giggle and laughed at my eagerness, while also hinting toward Amber's feelings about me. And then, she finally gave me the news I wanted to know so badly.

"She didn't imagine you to be such a fun guy", Sasha teased.

"She didn't have that much interest at first but after talking to you last night she's actually interested."

I was confused, "Wait, but you told me she was interested from the start."

"Yes but that's what she told me today so I don't know what to say.
Anyways she really liked your conversation from last night , and she wants to hear your voice.
Send her a voice message today."

I was thinking about what I should text Amber, when suddenly my phone buzzed and I smiled. It was her message.
I waited a few seconds to avoid looking desperate and opened the chat.

Her: Hey :)

I decided to respond in a flirty, playful way.

Me: missed me, huh? ;)

Her: 😑😑

Me: haha I know you did

Her: why didn't you talk to me the first time we met at the cultural event?

Me: cuz I'm antisocial😭

Reacted 😂 to your message

Her: Can you send me a voice message?

I was thrilled that she asked me to send a voice message, it showed that she is really interested.

Me: ofcourse, what do you want me to say?

Her: let me about you say," are you lost babygirl".

I bursted out laughing and was evenly shocked to see that's what she wants me to say.
I took a deep breath, recorded my message and sent her.

Me (voice message): Are you lost....babygirl

Her: 🤭

Me: I can tell you're blushing right now ;)

Her: 😅🙈....By the way your voice is nice

Me: I'm glad my voice could impress even the most beautiful girl in the world.

Her: Me? and beautiful? No I'm not.

Me: you my eyes. Oh I also want to hear your voice, can you send a voice message saying my name?

Her (voice message): Hello... Kevin Dawson

I was amazed and pleasantly surprised as I heard Amber's sweet, soothing voice flow through my ear. It was almost a surreal experience, like a wave of electricity coursed through my body and made me forget everything else. I couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to hear my name in her voice, speaking directly to me in real life.

Me: wow! your voice is so sweet

Her: No, it's not

I couldn't understand why she never accepted compliments.
I decided to tease her instead.

Me: maybe your ears aren't working properly cuz I definitely loved that voice.

Her: haha so funny dumbass

Me: I'm not a dumbass, but I'm crazy....crazy for you ;)

Her: stop😅

We were chatting and having a great time, discovering many things we had in common. Although Amber seemed to always change her favorite things depending on her mood like her favourite food or favourite movies, everything depended on her mood.
We still kept discovering more and more similarities between us.
We were having so much fun replying immediately to each other.

Me: How was your day?

Her: It was nice, today after University while returning home I saw a sexy guy 🤤

I frowned, my heart sank in melancholy.
I couldn't believe what I had just read.
Sadness and disappointment invaded me,not knowing what to do next.
I responded in a gloomy way.

Me: If it's a joke, it isn't funny

Her: I just randomly saw a sexy guy, thats it.

After reading this, I was annoyed and frustrated.
I messaged her after a few minutes

Me: please, don't talk to me about any other boy.

I sent the text and turned my phone off thinking, what's going on with her?

I checked after a while and saw that she had left my text on seen and didn't reply.


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