Heading to the park with Don

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You go into the bathroom the check that the diaper is not showing in the mirror before leaving the hotel room alongside Nia and Mum. Mum shuts and locks the door before they head downstairs together.

You walk through the lobby and out the hotel, and along the path towards a shuttle bus shelter. You, Nia and Mum sit at the shelter waiting for the next shuttle bus. After waiting for a bit Don and his mum unexpectedly arrive at the bus stop.

"Oh that's a surprise" Mum says, greeting them

"Hi Kevin", Don says.

You are pretty happy to see Don, although you are worried about him noticing your diaper, but you do your best to "keep your cool"

"Where are you heading?" Your Mum asks Don's Mum

"Oh we're going to the theme park area" Don's Mum replies

"Oh well that's lucky, we're also going there"

"Great! I guess we should do this together then huh?"

"I don't see why not"

"Oh great" You think to yourself. If you were not wearing a diaper and this holiday had gone as you were expecting this would be amazing, however you are wearing a diaper and you are expected to just use it.

You are still exited to go on rides and other stuff at the theme park part of the resort, but you know you will have to be extra careful to hide your diaper.

You get into a conversation with Don but the bus arrives soon after so it does not really go anywhere. You all board the bus and sit down, you and Don sit together one row away from the back and Nia and Mum sit one row away from the front, with Don's Mum one row behind them.

Don pulls out a flyer that shows a map of the park part of the resort, it shows all the rides, shops, and other things at the location. You have a conversation with him about it, talking about what looks good and what looks bad, formulating a plan of where to go and what to go on once they get there.

You did not realise how large this part of the resort was until you had seen the map, as you continue looking through it and planning it becomes clear that even just doing the good looking rides is going to take more time than what you have today. You say this to Don and he says that he should be able to go again tomorrow and asks you to ask your mum if you can do the same.

You get up and you walk over to where mum and Nia are sitting and you ask her about the possibility of going again tomorrow. She says that it's likely that will be able to go again tomorrow. After hearing that you excitedly go back over to where Don is sitting to tell him the news.

After sitting back down you soon arrive at the destination and you all leave the bus, in front of you is now an awesome park that you can't wait to explore, even if the diaper under your legs makes it a bit awkward.

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