Dinner with Don

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As you walk through the resort hotel building you get many odd looks, from people who you saw when you checked in and showed your pull-up waistband.

You and Nia follow your mum into the restaurant, your mum finds a 6-seat table, and you all sit down to wait for Don and his mum, you begin to get worried when you realise that many of the staff members there were ones that saw your pull-up. You begin to feel the need to pee, not wanting to have yet another accident, you head over to the bathroom.

You enter into the men's room and lock yourself into a stall and use the toilet, after that you realise that there is a mirror in the stall and decide to see how you look, you pull just the pull-up up, leaving your trousers at your legs. You can't help but blush, seeing yourself in the pull-up, you then pull your trousers up to see how that looks, luckily it seems like, as long as the waistband doesn't show, you wouldn't be able to notice the bulge if you weren't looking for it, feeling secure with that knowledge, you leave the stall and wash your hands, before leaving the bathroom.

You walk over to the table, and to your dismay, don was already sitting there waiting for you.

Who is don?
Don is your best friend, you have many great memories with him since you were little kids, he is on the holiday with you, in room 816.

You sit down next to Don, while making extremely sure you don't show your pull-up waistband to Don, you to quickly get caught in a conversation, you two get along very well. Eventually the conversation gets interrupted by the waitress bringing the menus, you order a burger and fries and a lemonade, while Don orders sausages and mashed potatoes with a tango blue.
You and Don continue talking for a few minutes until your food arrives, at which point you stop talking and start eating, you really enjoy your meal, it seems don enjoys his too. After you finish eating you order dessert, you order a slice of chocolate cake, and Don orders ice cream with apple pie.

While you wait for your food you and Don head to the arcade, you play some games, and get screwed over by the grabber, you both put have 3 goes each, and get nothing, you both get really angry, and Don kicks it, causing tons of money to come out, he says "not complaining about that" and splits the money 50-50 with you.

You head back to the table, but only Nia is there, she is near your drink but it's far away and you can't really see it, you run towards with Don, by the time you get there she is back where she was sitting before, she looks like she's rushing to put something in her pocket but you think nothing of it.

You ask her, were is mum?

She replies, "they went to look for you to tell you that your food was here, she says pointing towards yours and Don's desert. Don says, "let's eat, they'll be back here soon anyway. With that you dig in, within a few minutes you two have both finished your desserts and drinks, just then your mum and dons mum come back, your mum says, "we've been looking all over the place for you two, come on you need to get to bed, it's far too late"

You and Don say your goodbyes, and both groups head to their hotel rooms.

You slowly walk up the the stairs, you feel really tired-in a weird way, the moment you get to the hotel you rush off and into bed and within a few minutes you are fast asleep.

(Mum pov)

How strange, you think Kevin isn't usually asleep that fast, especially after meeting with Don. You say to Nia, "well I guess us, if you do Kevin's drink for tomorrow we can watch a movie"

"Yay, I can't wait, I'll go make his drink" Nia replies.

From big brother to little sister (new parts out now!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن