Chapter 3

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Lucifer fixed his shirt, staring up at Alastor who grinned down at him. "Well I better go and get dressed then see if Charlie needs help around the hotel or something." Lucifer scratched behind his head, making his way to the door.

"Say, if you have a window where you have nothing to do and no one to keep you company, you can pop by, and feel free to bring a drink or two." Alastor grinned, holding his staff Infront of him. Lucifer looked back as his hand hit the handle of the door. "Drinks? At this time in the morning?" Lucifer tilted his head slightly.

"Why it's never too early for a drink, wine will do." Also shrugged, his eyes not leaving Lucifers. "Hmn.. fair enough.. I'll be back in about an hour." Lucifer seemed awkward, nodding before stepping out of the door.

Around three hours later, Lucifer knocked on the door, two bottles of wine filling his hands. Alastor was sat at the red sofa at the other side of the room, lent back with one leg crossed over the other although he somehow managed to fling the door open. Lucifer didn't complain, stepping in and using his elbow to close the door. "I thought that we could get through these together? I didn't know whether you were a white wine or red wine type of guy, so I got one of each."

Lucifer sat in a chair opposite the sofa, placing the wine bottles on the table and making two wine glasses appear. Alastor shook his head and tapped the seat on the sofa beside him. "Come now, I don't bite~" Alastor joked as Lucifer rolled his eyes and made his way towards the seat beside Alastor. "Liar."

Lucifer chuckled slightly, looking over at Alastor as he poured two glasses of white wine, handing one to Alastor. "Okay, okay, maybe I do bite~ But you wouldn't complain~" Alastor hummed, sipping the wine. "What's that supposed to mean!?" Lucifer huffed, glaring at Alastor. "It means I know you enjoyed the biting, who's the freak now, eh?" Alastor grinned, looking over at Lucifer, who immediately then looked away and sipped his wine.

"Well- erm. Fuck, I can't even think of something against you." Lucifer stared at his glass for a moment. "You enjoyed the biting too!" Lucifer swerved his face to look at Alastor, a proud expression on. "Yes, that's because your blood is rather sweet and I'm a damn cannibal, at least I'd admit I liked it." Alastor shrugged it off, Lucifer rolled his eyes and pouted again. He seemed to be in deep thinking as he took a long sip of the wine in his hand.

"Nothing coming to that little brain of yours?~" Alastor teased, pushing his little hat off his head as it fell to the seat. "Oh fuck off, I'm just trying to think what to tease you abou-" Lucifer paused as he looked at Alastor, his eyes locking on those little deer ears Alastor had perked up. "Hmm, maybe you enjoy your ears or tail being touched?~" Lucifer smirked, leaning closer. "Absolutely not, get that idea out of your head." Alastor stared down at Lucifer, his threatening expression did not put Lucifer off.

"How about I put our deal to use?~" Lucifer grinned, finishing his glass. "I'm not going to let you use the deal on something petty like that." Alastor looked back at his glass, it was almost empty so he reached for the bottle to pour them another drink.

They had spent the whole day together and they had just about finished the two bottles, taking barely an effect on Alastor but Lucifer seemed tipsy. They chatted the entire time but it wasn't like friends as there was bound to be an argument every fifth sentence.

"Listen, listen, I can just use my little favour now and you don't need to worry about it then~" Lucifer hummed, obviously under the influence of the alcohol as he leaned closer to Alastor. He sighed, rolling his eyes. "Fine, what do you want me to do?" Alastor stared down at Lucifer as he only got closer, now kneeling on the sofa beside Alastor.

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