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Today I have graduation pictures to take aka I had to wake up early, put on makeup (;-;) and wear something nice, which is really annoying but at least I get slightly shorter classes today :/

When I was getting ready I shifted for like twenty minutes, I was just running around my room and chewing things and now I'm late for school (which isn't a horrible thing because I don't get any reputations from being late next year I will tho) and my second trimester just ended so I'm going to get a report card soon, but I'm actually scared for that report card because I know that I'm not getting all As so my parents are going to be upset and mad...

I also have to wear a dress for some reason even though I specified that I wanted to wear a suit for the photos-

I feel my phantom tail now, wonder how long it'll last

Anyway that's all for now :)

So I have news!

My friend who I was debating telling I'm a therian I finally did and this was his answer (tw: mention of violence)

"Cool, I don't really care"

"What-" I replied 

"I don't really care but in a positive way, like you could tell me you murdered five people and I wouldn't care. I'd only testify against you in court if I didn't like you, but we're good friends"

"What the heck??" 

"Like I wouldn't give you an alibi but I'm not telling anyone"

"Yay! My friend doesn't care in a positive way"

And later in a different class my friend mentioned Disney or something so I told them that Walt Disney by definition was a furry, and they go "furries are kinda weird and they dress up and act like animals-" so I'm like "that's therians, furries dress up" and they goes "well therians are cool because they go out in nature and stuff and they don't wear a full fur suit"

Then I decided I would tell them but not by saying "I'm a therian" instead I said:

"The weirdest part about the haters is that they keep telling us that we need to touch more grass  but they touch less grass then we do" 

Spoiler alert: they didn't pick up on it, and neither did my other friend who was sitting right next to us...

Yeah so that's fun

I'm debating telling my therapist I'm a therian but I don't think I will.

If anything else interesting happens I'll update!


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