
73 2 10

I lost my streak :((

Yesterday I had dance classes and I made some dragon puppets. I've never done that before and the first one was bad, but the second one is pretty good.

My dog came into my room just to sit under my desk but idk if the was yesterday or the tenth, and I had a little emotional shift. Basically I just had "song my dog wrote" vibes.

Also I made one of those chibi angeldust drawings for the bottom of my pen, and the videos are right, I don't remember what else I was doing in school/hsrs

Nothing much is happening, but I'm not stressed, so that's good. I've had some theories on hazbin hotel.

Also I today, when I walked to the cafe, my crush spots me so she walked up to and was like "Hi Jesse!" I turn around and go "hi!" And she asks "how are you?" And I say: "good how-h-how how, what-  sorry I'm brain farting." I was internally screaming omg. She says "that's okay that happens to me too" and then I finally said "how are you?" And she goes "good, are you here with Eva( a friend)" and I was like "no, I'm with my brother." And she says "well I saw you and just wanted to say hi" and if she didn't notice me blushing then I would be surprised because idk why, but interacting with her outside of school- it just gives me that really bubbly butterfly feeling idk 

Anyway, valentines is coming up, but I'm scared to ask her, but maybe I might ask my old crush to be my valentine because I still have lingering feelings for her, she's bi (I'm 80% sure), two people told me she liked me (although They're the kids that said someone who may be aroace that she liked someone she hated), and I don't know, I just feel like she would say yes and I don't wanna be rejected, but I also don't wanna be crushing on someone if I'm with someone else idk what to and I also feel like it would be toxic to my old crush but idk why, and the last thing I want is to be toxic to anyone. 

Also no, I didn't watch the superbowl, but I watched the halftime show and the adds so yeah. I liked the Kia Ev9 add and the doulingo add the most. That's it tho. I'll update more if there is anything.

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