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            Nothing really interesting is happening today I don't think, but I do think I remember a little bit about the other alley dog. They were a mut, they were definitely mix breed, and they didn't have a dominant kind of breed like I do, with wolfhounds, the dog was medium sized, it had a long snout and it was muscular, I want to say that the dog was brown and white aswell but they were covered with so much soot and dirt that I couldn't tell. I also think I was taller as a wolfhound because I'm only 5'2 and my doctor says I probably won't grow very much anymore, and wolfhounds are like 5-6 feet on hind legs (a little smaller than a Great Dane) so...

            I also heard a theory about spiritual therians and why there are so many canines and felines, and it's that cats and wolves are just a lot more spiritual than other animals, and they're souls are a lot easier misplaced, and there is even a bit of historical evidence to back this up, that being that a lot of mythologies and spirituallies have wolves and/or cats. In Egyptian mythology they loved their cats and the dogs are kind of like spirit guides of some sort I believe, in a lot of Native American spiritualities wolves play a big role, and I do believe bobcats are too, to a lesser extent, in Chinese and korean spiritualities, tigers were pretty big, so o feel like this is a really solid theory.

            I'll update later if anything interesting happens!

            So, I had a few somewhat interesting things happen today. I accidentally told two of my friends that I have a digital journal and they asked for the link and I didn't want them reading about my theriantropy because I don't know if they will just like- idk not have a good reaction to it so I told them that I had drama and secrets that people asked me not to tell to other people at the school, so that worked.

          I also finally have a unit in ELA that I am interested in! So we get to write an activist essay about something we feel strongly about, and I'm between climate change effecting our oceans, and the heavy workload and burnout caused by homework. Fun fact, elementary school students do not benefit from homework! In a 2014-2019 study, a group of students were studied based on there amount of homework and grades. In group had no homework, one group had 30 minutes of homework and one group had 45 minutes of homework, the students with 30min homework and no homework shared almost no difference and the students with 45 minutes of homework actually did worse, so-

          And also about the climate change affecting our oceans, I was in Cozumel when Florida hit record water temps in July last year, I saw the Colombia shallows and the Colombia wall and two shipwrecks while I was snorkeling, some of the coral was bleached and finding reef fish was easy dispute them hiding from us. This is an issue because reef fish feed larger fish that we eat. About 3 billion people rely on fresh caught fish for food, that's more than a third of our earth! That many people lined up shoulder to shoulder would make a 131k mile line (around that number, for comparison Texas is 773 miles across at its widest. That is a lot of people who will go hungry, thanks to coral bleaching.

(TW:Self harm and suic!de)

            I feel like climate change is too generic though and everyone is going to do it, because right now, the path that we're on, my children won't have a future. So people are going to do it and a lot of people will, and I can make a much more compelling argument about homework because I literally attempted last year because of the huge workload I had. 


            Anyway, I finally have something I'm excited about doing for school, so I won't be failing this unit in school :))

            I also did a bit of research on wolfhound behavior specifically, wolfhounds are more territorial dogs, I originally thought I wasn't territorial, but I am when it comes to my room, I don't like people coming into my room (my sibling and friends excluded) not because I have anything to hide (my mom seems to think that) but because I want to be able to have my own private space for me and it isn't my personal space when my parents can just walk in. The most annoying part about this though is that my mom sets clear boundaries and gets mad when people cross them, and I have set up this clear boundary, that my mom doesn't respect...

(Whispers) hypocrite

            I also think that my caretaker named me something intersex, but it was a little more masculine and I ended in a Y. I wish that o could find the person, but I have no clue what city I was in other than it was north because it had snow so I have no way of finding the caretaker, and also I have no idea if they are even still Alive because I don't know when I was a dog other than it was definitely after 1960

(New PB, 900 words!)

That's it for today!


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