73 END

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Chapter 73
In the end, Ji Yuan chose to be a llama.
Even if this hairstyle seems a bit odd, at least he can retain half of his magnificent hair and not become bald.
Ji Yuan had no intention of becoming a monk in this lifetime; he vowed never to be bald!
The night before the head-shaving, Li SuiAn made a visit.
He sat on the pink sofa that Gu XiuYi had custom-made for Ji Yuan, wearing glasses, legs crossed, exuding the demeanor of a distinguished doctor. With a solemn expression, he looked at Ji Yuan's medical report.
"Hmm..." he nodded, his meaning inscrutable.
"Eh..." He covered his mouth, frowned, and shook his head.
This string of inexplicable reactions left Ji Yuan on edge, nervously sitting at the edge of the bed, fidgeting with his fingers.
What patients dread most is when doctors remain silent, staring at their reports with a serious expression.
He looked up at Gu XiuYi, his eyes filled with a pitiable expression.
Without a doubt, Gu XiuYi's heart softened. He pulled Ji Yuan's slender shoulders close and shot Li SuiAn a sharp glance, "Stop the act."
While Ji Yuan is easily frightened, Gu XiuYi isn't. He knows Li SuiAn's character best after all these years of friendship. If there was really something wrong with Ji Yuan's health, Li SuiAn wouldn't have that expression.
Li SuiAn, caught in his mischief, laughed as he removed his glasses. He strolled over, hands behind his back, "He's fine. Although the results aren't quite as expected, they're much better than initially hoped. The surgery shouldn't pose much of a problem."
He glanced at Gu XiuYi, "After the procedure, he should be moved to intensive care for a few days. Once he's stable, you family members will need to take special care, especially ensuring the wound remains clean. However, it mustn't get wet. Ensure he gets the necessary nutrition once he starts eating."
"He has severe hypoglycemia and anemia, so always have someone accompany him when he moves to avoid falls or bumps. With good care, he'll recover in no time."
Li SuiAn spoke with a light-hearted tone, his words rapidly spilling out.
Ji Yuan might not have caught every word, but sensing the doctor's upbeat mood, he felt reassured. He kept glancing between Li SuiAn and Gu XiuYi, his beautiful eyes darting back and forth, keenly trying to follow the conversation.
Gu XiuYi diligently noted down Li SuiAn's advice. When he looked up and saw Ji Yuan sitting upright, reminiscent of a primary school student in class, with pursed lips and a curious tilt to his head, his heart melted. He caressed Ji Yuan's face, "What are you looking at, darling?"
Only Gu XiuYi's voice resonated clearly in Ji Yuan's ears amidst the chaotic silence of his world.
Ji Yuan leaned into Gu XiuYi's embrace, his eyes shining brightly, articulating each word carefully, "Listening to the doctor's advice."
Ji Yuan's deliberate enunciation, especially due to his hearing impairment, was incredibly endearing. Gu XiuYi, unable to resist, planted a kiss on the corner of his mouth and hugged him tightly.
"Oh my!" Li SuiAn shielded his eyes, "Mr. Gu, can you show a little restraint? The patient's primary doctor is right here!"
Gu XiuYi, utterly captivated by Ji Yuan's innocent and earnest face, had no attention left to spare for Li SuiAn, "Any other discerning primary doctor would've tactfully left by now upon seeing this scene."
Li SuiAn: "..."
In all his years of practice, Dr. Li had never encountered a family member who was so cavalier. Even if the surgery was scheduled for tomorrow afternoon and his most crucial role was yet to be played, this Mr. Gu seemed ready to dismiss him at a moment's notice.
Li SuiAn gently pulled Gu XiuYi away and patted Ji Yuan's shoulder, urging him to make eye contact.
He bent down, and despite being an ENT specialist, spoke with the tone reserved for pediatrics, "Tomorrow will be better. Hang in there, kiddo!"
The words were spoken slowly but with profound conviction, and Ji Ruan understood!
Feeling a surge of motivation, Ji Ruan's face showed determination. Clenching his fists, he nodded firmly, "I will!"
His enunciation was impeccable.
He was then rewarded with a chuckle and a peck from Gu Xiuyi.
Ji Ruan had sweated during the day, and with surgery scheduled for the next day, Gu Xiuyi decided to give him a midnight bath.
For someone like Ji Ruan, with naturally thin and fair skin, just a little soak in warm water would turn him pink. A gentle scrub with body wash would make him resemble a newly hatched chick with tender pinkish skin.
Gu Xiuyi was extra gentle when drying him off and lifting him back to bed.
Today was Ji Ruan's hair mask day. Instinctively, he wanted Gu Xiuyi to fetch it for him, but the realization that his hair would be shaved off the next day left him crestfallen.
His disappointment led to more comforting from Gu Xiuyi after his hair was dried. Dizzy and light-headed, Ji Ruan watched as Gu Xiuyi cheerfully went to shower.
The shower lasted an hour.
By the time Gu Xiuyi slipped under the covers, Ji Ruan was almost asleep, curled up in a ball.

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