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Chapter 37
The amusement park was filled with a variety of rides. There were thrilling roller coasters for the adrenaline junkies, and, of course, options for the more faint-hearted.
Exiting the shop, the group headed straight for the safest ride in the park-the Crystal Sightseeing Carriage.
Although it ran on a track suspended mid-air, its altitude was much lower than that of the roller coasters, virtually lacking in ups and downs, its speed gentle, ranking alongside the merry-go-round in mildness.
However, these carriages looked extraordinarily exquisite. Sitting inside was like being in a dazzling crystal house, the play of light and shadow absolutely stunning. All the visitors queuing up here were doing so for the perfect photo opportunity.
As soon as Ji Ruan entered, the lights dazzled him. He sat next to Gu Xiuyi, facing three roommates. The lights were so flattering that even the dark-skinned Han Xiaolin appeared at least two shades fairer.
Han Xiaolin, upon seeing Ji Ruan, was also taken aback, exclaiming, "Ji Ruan, you're practically glowing!"
Ji Ruan didn't catch that, "What?"
The train began its gentle motion, the wind from outside streaming in, causing his purple fuzzball on his head to stand against it.
The hair accessories of the others had only remained on their heads for a few minutes before being removed: Qin Shan held his in hand, Han Xiaolin wore his around his neck, and Li Yu tucked his into his bag.
Only Ji Ruan gleefully wore his hair clip, occasionally swinging the little antenna on his head. His tendency to laugh and miss parts of conversations made him appear innocently sweet in Han Xiaolin's eyes.
Han Xiaolin held his forehead in disbelief, thinking it a wonder that Ji Ruan could so easily wrap someone as cunning and experienced as President Gu around his finger - it deserved to be among the world's top three marvels.
Gu Xiuyi's gaze remained fixed on Ji Ruan, with a barely suppressed smirk that looked like it had been held back for quite some time.
He tapped Ji Ruan's shoulder, suggesting, "Move over, I'll take a group photo for you all."
The group, debating the best way to capture a complete photo with a selfie stick, eagerly agreed upon hearing Gu Xiuyi's offer:
"Oh, that's great!"
"Perfect idea!"
"Thanks, President Gu!"
The trio shuffled around, reserving the center seat for the birthday boy. Ji Ruan took his place, adjusting his hair and stilling the bobbing fuzzball atop his head.
Opposite them, Gu Xiuyi raised his phone, and Ji Ruan calmly flashed a peace sign and smiled.
A fresh photo was captured. However, Gu Xiuyi seemed unsatisfied, taking several more before stopping.
Ji Ruan returned to Gu Xiuyi's side, curiously leaning over. The moment he saw the photo, his smile froze, and his face fell.
"What... what kind of shot is this..."
Among the four, three appeared dashing, vibrant, and fair-skinned with delicate complexions. Yet Ji Ruan, who sat center stage, was completely overexposed!
There he was, in the middle, looking like a peace-sign-flashing ghost!
And every photo was like that!
Gu Xiuyi sent all the photos to Ji Ruan, who grew more and more disheartened with each view.
"What's going on? How did the photo turn out?"
"Ji Ruan, post it in the group for us to see!"
"It's okay. Even if President Gu's photography skills are a little off, we won't mind!"
Ji Ruan's fingertip hovered over the forward button for quite some time. Ultimately, he selflessly shared the photo, then deflatedly hung his head.
Exclamations erupted from across the table.
"Damn, am I really this handsome?!"
"I've never looked this fair-skinned in my life!"
"Does this place have a built-in face slimming feature? My face seems smaller!"
"Your contours are blurred, probably because of Ji Ruan's overexposure."
"All you can see clearly of Ji Ruan is his sweater and that antenna on his head. How did this even happen? Hahaha..."
Ji Ruan was at a loss for words, not wanting to say anything. He hung his head, the fuzzball atop it poking Gu Xiuyi's neck with each jolt of the carriage.
Gu Xiuyi, caught between amusement and sympathy, nudged away the antenna and squeezed Ji Ruan's nape, "I truly didn't use any filters. But you're just too pale."

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