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Chapter 39
Absolute tranquility is elusive in a large amusement park restaurant; laughter and rhythmic music fill the air at every moment.
Ji Ruan's demeanor while answering the phone was serene. Just by his expression, it was impossible to guess what was being said on the other end.
Roommates fixated intently on Ji Ruan, holding their breaths involuntarily. Their table became an oddity in the bustling restaurant, standing out in its silence.
"Mm... okay... I understand, senior sister... It's fine..."
As Ji Ruan hung up with a smile, Han Xiaolin immediately asked, "What did senior sister say?"
"Not much, she just apologized to me." Ji Ruan massaged his ear. The park's surround sound system was playing high-tempo music nonstop, which was a tad loud for his liking.
Qin Shan scratched the back of his head, "That's it?"
In his view, the senior sister wasn't one to just verbalize her feelings. Although she wasn't at fault in this matter, considering her character, she'd probably insist Lin Qing apologize to Ji Ruan in person.
Ji Ruan chuckled, "She also mentioned wanting to meet. She seriously promised a satisfactory resolution. Probably wants Lin Qing to handle it personally."
Qin Shan revealed a 'just as I thought' expression, "That sounds right."
Han Xiaolin crossed his arms, "An apology isn't enough. We can't just let him brush off the issue with some words. I can't stand his fake sanctimony."
Ji Ruan intermittently pinched his earlobe, responding leisurely, "If senior sister says there'll be a resolution, there will be one. Let's wait and see-huh?"
Suddenly, he turned his gaze out the window, though his eyes seemed unfocused, as if he were looking at something intangible.
Han Xiaolin quickly caught on, "Why did the music stop? Is there a malfunction?"
Li Yu peered outside, "No... it didn't stop. The volume's just been lowered."
Han Xiaolin listened carefully, "Right, it's much softer now."
Gu Xiuyi had been engrossed in his phone, likely texting someone. Hearing this, he looked up, "Is it still too loud?"
Qin Shan chuckled, "It's much better now, just right. Earlier it was a bit too boisterous; I bet even the control center folks couldn't handle it, hahaha!"
Li Yu smiled and took a sip of water, "I was wondering why my throat felt so dry. Turns out I was practically shouting and didn't even realize it."
The music finally settled to a reasonable volume. Ji Ruan let out a discreet sigh of relief. For a brief two-second span, everyone remained silent, and the atmosphere was eerily quiet.
Ji Ruan instinctively turned his head only to find that Gu Xiuyi had been watching him intently, as if whatever Qin Shan and the others said didn't matter. He seemed to need an answer directly from Ji Ruan.
Gu Xiuyi had a distinctly sharp and clean-cut appearance, from his eyebrows down to his facial contours. If described in a more emotional manner, he'd be labeled as aloof.
Ji Ruan had been aware of this trait since the moment they met and never found it surprising.
However, now he perceived a hint of tenderness on that face, subtle and fleeting, but there nonetheless.
In fact, recently Ji Ruan had been sensing this, especially when the two interacted in the most ordinary manner. It seemed as if Gu Xiuyi was just casually speaking, yet his words seemed to convey deeper emotions than they explicitly expressed.
That kind of gaze made Ji Ruan slightly uncomfortable. He licked his lips, "...It's fine now."
Gu Xiuyi, seemingly oblivious to Ji Ruan's momentary daze, nodded and looked back at his phone. He sent one last message, then switched off the screen.
[It's fine now.]
He glanced at Ji Ruan, who sat obediently beside him, no longer rubbing his ears.
Gu Xiuyi took the now-cold milk tea from Ji Ruan's hand, asking, "When did Miss Cheng say she wants to meet?"
Ji Ruan's eyes followed his milk tea, watching it wistfully as Gu Xiuyi's hand moved it away.
Gu Xiuyi had to gently hold Ji Ruan's chin, making their eyes meet, "It's cold, and you shouldn't drink it. It'll upset your stomach."
Ji Ruan wasn't particularly greedy, but more than missing the milk tea, he felt discomforted by the fact that he had almost finished it, only to have it taken away abruptly.
However, Gu Xiuyi was right. Physical well-being was certainly more crucial than a minor emotional discomfort.
He lowered his gaze, nodding lethargically, "Understood..."
Gu Xiuyi gently patted Ji Ruan's cheek in a comforting manner, "Good boy. I'll ask Aunt Zhao to make you another one when we get back."
"...No need." Ji Ruan yawned, covering his mouth.
"Ji Ruan."

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