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More Hunger Games shit because I don't have much time today

This night was an absolute disaster. The sugar kept Nat awake for hours and when she finally managed to fall asleep, a dream crept up from the depths of her memory. 


Three girls ran down a dark alley. The rain poured, soaking their clothes and making them slip over the cobblestones. 

When they finally stopped, exhausted and gasping for air, the oldest of them crossed her arms in front of her chest. 

She had long, black hair and her pale face was red from excitement. But her storm gray eyes sparked a stern expression. 

The two younger girls looked tense. It was quiet. Only the rain pounding onto the street could be heard. Cold drops bounced off the walls and streamed down the three silhouettes.

"You've got it?" The girl asked, her voice serious. One of the younger girls shuffled. Her blonde hair was drenched in sweat and rain, making streaks fall into her innocent face. Her lips curled into a devilish smile as she pulled a small parcel out from her jacket. 

 A soft chuckle flew through the silence. Unsure at first but it grew louder and louder until it erupted into a full-hearted laugh. There they where, three kids standing in the rain, giggling. 

"Hey! Arrest the thieves! A sudden shout chimed through the alley, making the three girls jump in surprise. They exchanged a quick look and without a second thought, they all started to run. 

Their feet thumped over the asphalt, making spluttering sounds as the three girls ran through puddles. An older man chased after them, still screaming and accusing them of shoplifting. 

The oldest of them took the lead, rushing the two girls through narrow streets, while the shop's owner raced after them. The little blonde girl skattered into a tiny alleyway, pulling the other one with her. "I know a shortcut! Come on!" 

Small little rivers streamed down the curb and washed away old leaves and grime along the way. "Lizzie! Wait up!" The other kid cackled. She looked like a mini version of the black-haired girl, with the same pale face and grey eyes. She got overtaken by the older girl. "Keep up, Nat! Don't fall back!" A very young Natalia Wilson gasped, slowly getting out of breath. "Luna! That's not fair, you have longer legs!" 

Her older sister snickered. "They're gonna catch you, unless you become faster!" She turned back and sprinted down the foggy street. "It wasn't my idea to steal from somebody! Lizzie did it!" Nat looked accusingly at her friend Elizabeth Crossgrove, who just giggled. 

"If you all get caught, then I won't help you out of jail!" She screamed, her tiny voice breathless. 

Luna turned around while jogging. "Yeah, well, sometimes you gotta-" her voice faltered as her eyes seemed to focus on something behind her little sister. 

She stopped dead in her tracks, her breath skipping. "Nat, get out." She sounded careful. Her voice was uneasy. Natalia stopped too. Confusion grew inside her mind. "Natalia, run away!" Luna's voice was more urgent now. "What, but I thought-" 

A sharp sound cut through the air, something closely soared past her ear and the last thing Natalia saw, was her sister screaming out her name, wide-eyed, before a black axe hurled through Luna's chest, ripping through her whole upper body. 

Almost instantly, dark blood sickled from the hole in her chest when her eyes rolled into the back of her head. 

She dropped like a puppet and her corpse slammed onto the ground with a sickening thud. Crimson drops sprayed the nearest buildings, streaking the walls. 

Before Luna's body hit the cobblestones, red lightning streaked in front of Nat's eyes and 


She shot up in cold sweat, surrounded by darkness with nothing but the train rattling outside. Before she could stop herself, tears of pain and sorrow streaked down her face and soaked her bedsheets. And the silence was broken by surpressed cries of fear.

Katy Perry the Platypus 

A little bit of everything vol. 3Where stories live. Discover now